
Exchange Unplugged @ Microsoft UK (TVP)

Last week I eluded to the Exchange Unplugged events that will be taking place over the next coming months. I am please to announce that the first Exchange Unplugged Event will be happening on:

Monday 17th September at Microsoft UK (TVP)

You can register here

We (Eileen, Ewan, Julian, Jason, Paul, Tanya and Simon) will be touring the rest of the country during the end of October and early November - right now (as I type) I don't have the registration links - but keep an eye on Eileen's blog as she might have them before I do.

Here is the loose Agenda:

9.30am - 10am : Registration

10am - 10.20am: Warm Up Act & Welcome

10.20am - 11.05am : Architecture Acapella - Exchange Server 2007 including SP1,  an architectural overview and details on how it integrates into the rest of the UC suite 

11.05am - 11.20am : BREAK

11.20am - 11.50am : Customer Presentation - Real world experience from a customer using this technology today

11.50am - 12.35pm : Migration Medley - How to migrate from your existing platform to a new UC platform.  Its not just ‘move mailbox’.  This section will cover other parts of migration including storage,  public folders and hardware. 

12.35pm - 13.20pm : LUNCH

13.20pm - 14.05pm : Email and Voicemail Duet - How email and voicemail are coming together in Exchange 2007 in Unified Messaging.  Also covered in this section is how Outlook Voice Access give can give you another way in which to interact with your inbox.

14.05pm - 15.05pm : Mobility manoeuvres in the Dark - Mobility and how Windows Mobile,  Exchange 2007 and Office Communications Server 2007 provide secure and scalable communications such as email,  calendaring, presence and IM across an array of mobile devices.

15.05pm - 15.20pm : BREAK

15.20pm - 16.20pm : Y.O.C.S - Office Communications Server 2007.  Communication can be seen,  typed or heard.  Hear about the latest entrant into the Unified Communications stack and how it will change the way in which people will communicate forever.

16.20pm - 16.30pm : Q&A and Close


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Before I went on holiday I posted details about the first Exchange Unplugged being run in two weeks time.