
Exchange 2007 Storage COST Calculator Update


This release of the Storage Cost Calculator is all about providing enhancements.

We introduced the capability for you to select the type of backup solution you want to utilize when analyzing the cost of various disk configurations.  You can now choose either VSS Clone, VSS Snapshot, or disable the feature all together.  We also adjusted the language to recommend usage of VSS clones or a solution that can guarantee fast recovery (3 minutes + log replay) in the event that you choose to deploy large mailboxes without continuous replication.

  • We allow you to choose as to whether you want to price things out on an individual component perspective (e.g. disk cost) or from an entire solution cost.
  • We allow you to enter in the number of storage enclosures and storage controllers, their relevant costs and power consumption as well.
  • We simplified the SCC vs. CCR tab. 
    • We now have you select a DAS configuration for CCR and a SAN configuration for SCC.  These disk configurations are different from the Input worksheet.
    • We also allow you to choose the backup configuration for each (again different from the Input worksheet choices).  This removes the hard requirement that you must have 2 VSS clones for SCC.  You can now choose which backup configuration you will utilize, as well as, how many clones (if you choose VSS clones). Note that we still recommend for large mailboxes in a SCC configuration that you deploy a VSS solution that can support fast recovery (3 minutes + log replay).
    • We changed the way third-party data replication works.  Previously, if you enabled data replication for your SCC configuration, you were required to have disks for your VSS clones.  Now you get to choose whether the remote site will have backup copies present in the event you activate that site.

o We now include SCR copies in the comparison.

    • We allow you to choose as to whether you want to price things out on an individual component perspective (e.g. disk cost) or from an entire solution cost.
    • We allow you to enter in the number of storage enclosures and storage controllers, their relevant costs and power consumption as well.