
Exchange 2007 Roll-Up Update 4

Just to make you all aware the RU4 has been released, you can download it from here:


Here's what's included:

· 930463 You receive NDR messages for some recipients when you send e-mail messages on an Exchange 2007-based server

· 937656 You experience problems in an Exchange 2003 and Lotus Note mixed environment after daylight saving time (DST) starts in New Zealand in 2007

· 936300 A mailbox move operation stops responding when you move a mailbox from an Exchange 2003 mailbox store or from an Exchange 2007 mailbox store to another Exchange 2007 mailbox store

· 932561 Appointments that are sent from one Exchange organization to another by using Exchange 2007 may be incorrect by one hour if one organization is in the Western Australia time zone

· 937861 You receive a non-delivery report (NDR) message when you try to send an e-mail message to a third-party connector address by using a third-party connector on an Exchange 2007-based computer

· 938359 The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service stops responding in Exchange 2007 after you enable the Standard Response option on a moderated public folder

· 940052 Error message when you use the Exchange Management Console to try to reconnect a mailbox to a user account: "The specified mailbox is not unique on database"

· 933314 Mobile devices cannot send e-mail by using the AirSync feature in an Exchange Server 2007 organization that has more than 1000 accepted domains
