
Exchange 2007 and Windows 2003 SP1 Hotfixes

Every now and then something actually useful lands in my Inbox and my thanks goes to MarkS in the UK GTSC for sending this on. I think it explains itself :)


Grab the security hot-fixes for the operating system from https://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx.

Exchange 2007 Requirements

If you are going to install Exchange 2007, you will also need these fixes:

If the Operating System is Windows Server 2003 SP1:

In addition, if you are going to install Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging role, you will also need these fixes:

In addition, if you are going to install Exchange 2007 Edge Transport role, you will need:

SP1 Hot-Fixes

If still using Windows Server 2003 SP1, then install these hot-fixes.

Grab the security hot-fixes for the operating system from https://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx.

Install the cluster-specific Post-SP1 hot-fixes on cluster servers - https://support.microsoft.com/?id=923830

Grab these Windows Server 2003 Post-SP1 hot-fixes:

Cluster specific fixes
