
Q4 TechNet Subscription Discount for New Subscribers!

One of the great things I’m happy to share with the NY Metro IT Pro Community on a quarterly basis is a healthy discount off of the TechNet Plus Subscription.  While this discount is only for new subscribers, the benefits of this program are significant.  If you’re not familiar with the TechNet Plus subscription, let me explain briefly.  The TechNet Plus subscription program was created to give IT Pro’s like yourself access to a set of tools to help best support the Microsoft platform.  In addition to the ability to download virtually all Microsoft software on demand (.ISO files), you also get two Professional Support Incidents which purchased separately cost more than the entire TechNet Plus subscription alone!  The subscriber is given licenses for all Microsoft software for the purpose of testing and development, so this subscription is ideal for anyone needing to build a test lab.  There are several other benefits of course, but these two benefits alone make the program pay for itself. 

So for those of you not yet part of this great program, feel free to sign up at the following link and be sure to use my Discount Code TNITQ411.  Good luck!
