
Tiger speaking at PNWSQL User Group

Next September 14 (Wednesday), at 7pm, Tiger will be presenting a session to the Pacific Northwest SQL Server Users Group (PNWSQL). If you’re around Redmond, please join us.

Session Title: Gems to help you troubleshoot query performance

Session Description: SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 3, SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 2 and SQL Server 2016 introduced enhancements to support execution plan analysis. Join us to understand what are the enhancements available in the query performance analysis and troubleshooting space, and what insight these provide when you are troubleshooting query performance. We will be covering new Showplan properties, Live Query Statistics and the revised Plan Comparison tool, to learn how these can help you streamline the process of troubleshooting query performance.

More details in https://pugetsound.sqlpass.org/Home.aspx 

Pedro Lopes (@sqlpto) – Senior Program Manager