
I'm back. :)

Okay, wow apparently people are out there waiting for some more BTS blogs. So here we go.

First, who am I? My name is Lee Graber. In August I will have been working as a developer on BizTalk Server for 5 years. In previous releases I owned (a non-MS friend recently commented on the oddity of using the word own to describe my work, but it's what I say) a lot of the core messaging engine including the interchangeSQ db, IInterchange object, the work scheduler for both processing and receiving, overall performance, and various other things. In this release I own the messagebox and everything that entails (subscriptions, convoy, a lot of perf), bits and pieces of the messaging engine, our caching infrastructure, and I am, as of a month ago, the proud new owner of tracking from the runtime side. Yeah. :) So these are areas I have a lot of knowledge in but I am probably good for most of the basics of the core platform. If you went to Tech-Ed 2004, you might have gone to my performance talk. If you didn't, you should get the DVD. :) Oh yeah, I have an obsession with smiley faces. I think for my first real post, I am going to cleanup a recent email I sent internally about zombies (schedule instances marked “completed with unconsumed messages”) and we will see what kind of feedback you guys can give me. Hopefully I will be recruiting a couple of co-workers like Jean and Paul to post and maybe we will get 2 or 3 insightful posts a week. I guess we will see how this pans out.

Thanks for using (or considering using) our software and I hope this helps

