
How Startup Weekend Played Out -- The Tweets, Pics, and Video Demos Your Parents Warned You About

There was a rush of Startup Weekend events this weekend. Here are a few of the tweets, photos and videos that came in during the events. We love seeing how fast these teams work together to create businesses, hacks, and usable stuff. 

The pitches were just about to begin in Kirkland:

Pitch presentations about to start at Startup Weekend Kirkland. Good luck everybody!!! #swkirkland #gsb2012 twitter.com/ericzocher/sta…

— ericzocher (@ericzocher) November 12, 2012


One of the teams at Startup Weekend Ottawa created a pager app that lets you call everyone you need to when your wife is having her baby. It's called PreggoPager: 


Developer Evangelist Marc Gagne points out that BizSpark once again steps up to the fore and sponsors one of the most productive weekend coding and business developing events in the startup world. 

Ohai @bizspark #SWOttawa twitter.com/marc_gagne/sta…

— Marc Gagné (@marc_gagne) November 10, 2012


Some great folks at Startup Weekend Ottawa:

Chk out this awesome trio, snapped last night! - @cheryldraper @vlennox (@startup_canada) & @bizspark !! #swottawa twitter.com/swottawa/statu…

— StartupWeekendOttawa (@swottawa) November 10, 2012


 Startup Weekend Kirkland UFOs spotted:

Yo, Microsoft BizSpark!Thanks for the mini UFO's! (flashlights) @bizspark #GSB2012 #SWKirkland @kirklandstartup twitter.com/scratchability…

— scratchability (@scratchability) November 11, 2012


Startup Weekend in Kirland Live Stream:

Special props to @nuclearragnarok for manning the cam on our livestream! Watch his camerawork at ow.ly/fct4L #SWKirkland #GSB2012

— Kirkland SW (@KirklandStartup) November 12, 2012


. @bizspark - giving out an awesome prize! #SWOttawa twitter.com/swottawa/statu…

— StartupWeekendOttawa (@swottawa) November 12, 2012