
DEMO Africa: Make a Business Plan that Adapts to Tech Changes

DEMO Africa ended on Friday, but that won't stop us from running our remaining interviews with some of the participants.

Before we do that, big congratulations go to two of our Microsoft BizSpark members, SASA Africa and Flowgear, who both came away with the coveted DEMO Lion title out of a field of 40.  In truth the field was much bigger, since this competition was open to all of Africa.

In the run up to DEMO Africa -- and during -- we showcased the work of the several dozen entrepreneurs who bravely presented their ideas to the judges. Here is one that we wanted to highlight. It's with Philip Nyamwaya, of iPay Ltd.

Photo Courtesy of DEMO Africa and CIO Magazine

What have you learned about managing a technological business that you would pass on to the next generation?

You've got to ALWAYS be ready to adapt to the changing face of technology. Make use of new technology but don't forget that the fundamentals of running a business don't change... Tech business or not.


How do you know when you are failing in product development and how do you make a correction – do you make the decision on your own, or do you consult your team?

The most important decisions are based on the market response and how our business partners are performing. I review KPIs and then sit with my team to see how to respond as effectively as possible.

What signals from your consumers do you look for to signify that you are winning?

Positive verbal feedback and REFERRALS :-)

Before we go, looking back at Tom Debass, letting people know how important this conference is for Africa and for entrepreneurs.