
A Hawk, A Lion, and a Bull All Step Up to a Digital Interactive Display and Make Advertising Interactive

Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. It's actually just a promotion for a startup that uses busy intersections and photo-taking kiosks to promote brands using digital / social campaigns. On busy Michigan Avenue in Chicago stands one of those digital kiosk promoting a bank. 

It's an effort by Elevate Digital to make location-aware and people-aware advertising that gives people what they want as soon as they need it, but not at the micro level. They meet people in public spaces using interactive displays

This is an example of  one of the companies our evangelists work with, and the kinds of company that can end up being a Microsoft BizSpark member.

We provide startups less than five years old and making less than one million in revenue. You should check out the site and look through the requirements. 

Elevate Digital develops street-level technology that connects people where they live and work. We have seen this kind of technology in Seoul, Korea, where at busy subway platforms commuters waiting for their trains interact with celebrity content and even create their own content to compete for brand rewards and contests. Elevate Digital places their digital kiosks running branding campaigns at the street-level, usually in major metropolitan cities, so that people can take their photo, play interactive games and enter to win contests. Their latest campaign is about how Benny The Bull, Tommyhawk and Hubert have Bieber Fever! 

The digital interactive display sits on Michigan Avenue, and is being used to promote a campaign for BMO Harris Bank. Contestants can qualify for tickets to see Justin Bieber in concert. 

If that video doesn't tell you enough, here's a 14 minute interview with Digital Elevate founder George Burciaga