
A Fresh Perspective On Social Media In Business


Social Media has been the buzz recently for the impact it has on businesses, but a lot of people forget about the effect it can have on individuals personally.  Bruno recently sat down with Mike Whitmore, President and Co-Founder of Fresh Consulting, a company that specializes in business strategy and digital marketing services.  In this unique interview, we get the perspective of a person who is passionate about social media for both personal and business use.  Watch the video and learn about how the power of social media through some great real-world examples!

See the BITV interview with Dan Anderson from T-Mobile

See the BITV interview with Marcelo Calbucci

See the BITV interview with Dave Mariani from Klout

See the BITV interview with Sara Lingafelter from REI

See the BITV interview with Rod Brooks from PEMCO

See the BITV interview with Robert Scoble

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