
Windows Vista Deployment Center is Live!!

It’s been in the works for a while and now we are proud to present the Windows Vista Deployment Center. It may seem strange to think about it this way, but the OEM System Builder Technology Team has worked hard to make deployments simple, or at least simple for you to understand. And with the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit (Windows OPK), the deployment itself is a snap.

 The site starts out describing the benefits you get by using the Windows OPK to deploy Windows Vista, and moves on to describe what you should do before you begin. You will learn how to install the kit, and understand why you should use a network when installing Windows Vista (hint – it saves you time, and saving time means saving money), including a complete description of a typical network configuration. The details on network setup reveal just how easy it is to enable network based deployments.

Because getting ready for deployment is quick and easy, most of the site’s content focuses on the three deployment methods. The site helps you choose the method that matches your deployment needs, and provides in-depth, step-by-step instructions for each of the methods. The site walks you through every step of each procedure, with screen shots all along the way. And because you want to save as much deployment time as possible, the site describes simple automation procedures that you should follow to maximum your time savings.

The site does an excellent job describing typical preinstallation customization options, their benefits, and how (and why or when) you should add these options to your deployment method. These options include showing you how to do the following:

· Adding a custom OEM graphic so that your branding is displayed in prominent areas of the OS

· Enabling support for drivers not originally shipped with Windows Vista

· Increasing customer value by adding additional applications during Windows Setup   

And finally, even though the site provides extensive descriptions of common deployment scenarios, the OEM System Builder Technology Team realizes that there are times when you just need a helping hand. For this reason, the site includes links to other support resources, as well as references to key deployment topics.

 And because your customer relationship doesn’t end when you sell the PC, the site includes an end-to-end procedure that you can follow to enable Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE). Windows RE is a remarkable self-healing feature of Windows Vista that you can take advantage of. When it is enabled, it adds the ability to recover from up to 80 % of common system issues. Fewer support calls to you means happier customers, and less money spent resolving those issues. 


Whether you are a new or existing system builder, the Windows Vista Deployment Center will help you deploy Windows Vista easier and faster, with features that increase the value of every PC you sell.


To access the site go to: https://oem.microsoft.com/opk