
AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour 2007! Coming To A City Near You

Have you registered for the AMD/Microsoft Tech Tour yet? If not, how’s this for an incentive…all attendees will have the opportunity to purchase our exclusive bundle, following the event, for only $294!

· Energy efficient AMD Athlon™ 64 dual-core processor 4400+, Rev G, 65nm

· Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate OS – NFR OEM 32-bit

· ASUS M2A-VM with AMD 690G Chipset

· McAfee VirusScan Plus - (year service) - NFR


Learn what AMD Quad-core will mean to your business and what you need to do to pre-install and help sell more Windows Vista, 2007 Office and Small Business Server. Plus, we have great demos, dinner will be provided and all attendees will be entered into our drawings for copies of Windows Vista Ultimate, 2007 Office Ultimate, AMD processors and more!

Register now for this FREE event!