What’s in the Azure Security Information Site on Azure.com–June 2016
If you haven’t had chance yet to see the new Azure Security Information site on Azure.com, then here’s you chance to get started!
We released the site this month and it has a nice collection of Azure security content that we think you’ll find useful as you learn your way around Azure security.
Starting this month, and then each month going forward, we’ll post our article “inventory” – this might help you find what you need faster by being able to quickly browse everything we have in our collection.
Think of these monthly posts as a sort of “site map” for the Azure Security Information site on Azure.com
Get Started
- Azure Security Overview
- Azure Security Services and Technologies
- Getting Started with Azure Security
- Microsoft Trust Center
- Microsoft Security Response Center
- Pen Testing
- Azure Security and Compliance Blog
- Azure Security MVP Program
- Microsoft Services in Cybersecurity
- Azure Security Courses from Microsoft Virtual Academy
- Azure Security Videos on Channel 9
Network Security
- Azure Network Security Overview
- Azure Network Security Best Practices
- Microsoft Cloud Services and Network Security
Storage Security
Compute Security
- Azure Virtual Machines Security Overview
- Azure Disk Encryption for Windows and Linux VMs
- Encrypt an Azure Virtual Machine
- Microsoft Antimalware for Azure Cloud Service for Virtual Machines
Security Management and Monitoring
- Azure Security Management and Monitoring Overview
- Security Management in Azure
- Best Practices for Software Updates on Microsoft Azure IaaS
Identity Management
- Azure Identity Management Security Overview
- Azure Identity Management and Access Control Security Best Practices
PaaS Services
Vertical Industries
Security Architecture
- Security Architecture Overview
- Data Classification for Azure
- Application Architecture in Azure
- Security Best Practices and Patterns
This is just a start! There’s more to come on the Azure Security Information site on Azure.com, stay tuned to this blog for more.
Tom Shinder
Program Manager, Azure Security
@tshinder | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email | Web | Bing me! | GOOG me!