
Microsoft Certification - The joy I get out of coming to work each day!


Sarah Arnold 
Partner Learning & Development Specialist
Microsoft Australia



If you’ve ever thought about certification – now is the time.

I think I have the best job at Microsoft as I get to help people skill up and achieve more as they embrace there own digital transformation journey, something I feel like I have been working towards my whole life as I have watched technology change and evolve.

I got my first computer in 1984, it was an Apple IIC and I vividly remember piles and piles of disks that had to be put in and pulled out every time you wanted the computer to do something. It was my father who instilled the passion for technology in me and because of him I grew up in a house of computers.

The first PC I used was in 1992, it had Windows 3.1 installed on it, I loved playing around with it, mainly the games. This is where my real passion for the PC started and it has been part of my life ever since.

One of the greatest joys I get out of my job is watching people learn, see new technologies for the first time and then go on to earn their Microsoft Certification. The training, my team and I put into market gives us the opportunity to accompanying them on this journey and see them succeed. There is something very rewarding and gratifying about seeing the pride and joy on people’s face as they get that final piece of paper saying they are qualified around Microsoft Cloud, Productivity, Data or many of the other certification courses we provide.

But clearly certification is important not just for my job satisfaction; it is an essential tool for people in today’s competitive world of technology to get ahead. Now, more than ever before, trainings and certifications are vital ingredients to fuelling a successful career.

Microsoft Certification ensures technology professionals are more likely to get hired, demonstrate clear business impact, and advance their careers.

When looking for a job as a change or as a new graduate, certification can help make the difference between getting the job you want or settling for a job because you need to work.

Adding a Microsoft Certification to your resume helps you stand out and get hired, faster. In some cases, certification has allowed hiring managers to fill positions 25%  more quickly. What’s more, certified new hires are fully productive an entire month sooner than their uncertified peers as per the IDC/Microsoft, The Business Value of IT Certification, November 2015 whitepaper.

For people who are looking to take their careers to the next level Microsoft Certification makes an immediate impact, helping you get noticed and move forward quickly in your career.

Compared to their peers, Microsoft certified developers are 90%  more productive and nearly 60%  more efficient. This means that they make nearly twice as many applications per year and in half the time per application as per the IDC/Microsoft, The Business Value of IT Certification, November 2015 whitepaper.

There are many ways our team at Microsoft works to get people certified, ensuring everyone who starts the journey has access to all the tools and training they need. We have an array of training methods and digital courses so that the work needed to complete certification can be tailored to every individual’s way of learning.

And when it comes to sitting that exam you’ll find me right there in the exam room possibly contemplating how lucky I am to have found that perfect mix of working in technology and helping other people develop and flourish in their careers.

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