New Directory Services Content 7/18-7/24
Sorry we weren’t able to get you this content reporting for a bit. We changed over to a new publishing system internally and it took some time to get the reporting updated.
Number | Title |
2266373 | ADMT 3.2 installation incomplete, MMC console error "cannot open database 'ADMT' requested by the login" |
2288402 | [SDP 3][C13B7EA5-F1B1-4EF2-B816-F9FB167BBD15]Service Principal Name Troubleshooter Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 |
976659 | Known issues that may occur when you use ADMT 3.1 to migrate to a domain that contains Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controllers |
969084 | Description of the Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows Vista SP2 |
974571 | MS09-056: Vulnerabilities in CryptoAPI could allow spoofing |
977346 | The Welcome screen may be displayed for 30 seconds during the logon process after you set a solid color as the desktop background in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2 |
974332 | Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Application Compatibility Update |
2269838 | Microsoft product compatibility with Single Label Domains, Disjointed Namespaces, and Discontiguous Namespaces |
2289925 | The systemstatebackup subcommand fails when an invalid ImagePath property is specified for services in Windows Server 2008 |
983437 | The "Previous Versions" list of a DFS share is empty if you access the share from a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 |
2171141 | Internet Explorer 8 restores the search provider settings when the "Prevent Internet Explorer Search box from displaying" Group Policy setting is enabled |