Applications fail to launch with error 04-00000A04 after App-V 4.6 SP1 upgrade
Just a quick heads up on a new KB article we published today:
After upgrading a Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.6 client to App-V 4.6 Service Pack 1 (SP1), applications may fail to launch with the following error:
The Application Virtualization Client could not launch the application you requested.
An unexpected error occurred. Report the following error code to your
System Administrator.Error code 461758B-0F801904-00000A04
The SFTLog.txt may also have entries similar to the following:
[09/22/2011 13:11:42:814 TRAY ERR] {tid=101:usr=administrator}
The Application Virtualization Client could not launch the application you requested.
An unexpected error occurred. Report the following error code to your System Administrator.
Error code: 461758B-0F801904-00000A04
This may happen if the DDELaunchMSICommand or LaunchMSICommand registry values under the following keys are incorrect:
For 32-bit systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\UserInterface
For 64-bit systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\wow64node\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\UserInterface
To resolve this issue, edit the registry key to reflect the correct execution string.
For 32-bit clients, edit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\UserInterface. For 64-bit clients, use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\wow64node\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\UserInterface.
Note that Configuration Manager clients use a different string than App-V clients. If in doubt, check the value of DDELaunchCommand. If it references VappLauncher.exe, Configuration Manager integration is enabled. If it references sfttray.exe, the client is an App-V VAS client.
The correct values are:
Configuration Manager 2007 clients with virtualization support enabled:
Value: DDELaunchMSICommand
Type: REG_SZ
Data: @GcbJDuU`8Dt4ql_+RSRVirtualApp>=T+i$+PP-9,9v}Si8@4X /launch "<APP>"
Value: LaunchMSICommand
Type: REG_SZ
Data: @GcbJDuU`8Dt4ql_+RSRVirtualApp>=T+i$+PP-9,9v}Si8@4X /launch "<APP>"
App-V VAS clients:
Value: DDELaunchMSICommand
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 3OqYobt01?4VH[gf8qiBRelease_Merge_Modules>OO5hSGuIH?xoVn&wQ(Ex "<APP>" <DDE>
Value: LaunchMSICommand
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 3OqYobt01?4VH[gf8qiBRelease_Windows_Desktops>gNkKPt-'NA05f@sdSnKH /launch "<APP>"
More Information
This is a .reg file exported from an ConfigMgr client:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AppIcon"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sftcmcres.dll,-484"
"TypeIcon"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sftcmcres.dll,-483"
"DDELaunchMSICommand"="@GcbJDuU`8Dt4ql_+RSRVirtualApp>=T+i$+PP-9,9v}Si8@4X /launch \"<APP>\""
"DDELaunchCommand"="\"C:\\Windows\\CCM\\VappLauncher.exe\" /launch \"<APP>\""
"LaunchCommand"="\"C:\\Windows\\CCM\\VappLauncher.exe\" /launch \"<APP>\""
"LaunchMSICommand"="@GcbJDuU`8Dt4ql_+RSRVirtualApp>=T+i$+PP-9,9v}Si8@4X /launch \"<APP>\""
This is a .reg file exported from a 32-bit 4.6 SP1 VAS client:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AppIcon"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sftcmcres.dll,-484"
"TypeIcon"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sftcmcres.dll,-483"
"DDELaunchMSICommand"="3OqYobt01?4VH[gf8qiBRelease_Merge_Modules>OO5hSGuIH?xoVn&wQ(Ex \"<APP>\" <DDE>"
"DDELaunchCommand"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sftdde.exe\" \"<APP>\" <DDE>"
"LaunchCommand"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\\sfttray.exe\" /launch \"<APP>\""
"LaunchMSICommand"="3OqYobt01?4VH[gf8qiBRelease_Windows_Desktops>gNkKPt-'NA05f@sdSnKH /launch \"<APP>\""
Note the difference in syntax due to the escape characters. Note also that the paths to various executables may be different in your environment.
For the most current version of this article please see the following:
2622617: Applications fail to launch with error 04-00000A04 after App-V 4.6 SP1 upgrade
J.C. Hornbeck | System Center Knowledge Engineer
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