DHCP Documentation
Documentation related to Windows DHCP Server and Client.
1) Windows Server 2003
a. Windows Server 2003 Main Technical Reference:
This link has information about:
I. Checklists for installing the service
V.Troubleshooting for common problems.
d. Registry Reference: (Thank you Balint Toth!!)
I. DHCP Server.
II.DHCP Client.
I. DHCP Client API's (Also called as DHCP options API).
IIIDHCP Server management API's
2) Windows 2000
a. Windows 2000 Main Technical Reference
b. Registry Reference:
I. DHCP Client.
II.DHCP Server
3) You can search a given query in the Microsoft support site.
4) You can specifically search the KB articles here.
5) You can search for DHCP queries in the newsgroups:
6) KB Articles for Migration:
a. 130642: How to Move a DHCP Database to another Windows Server https://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=130642
b. 325473: How to move a DHCP database to a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 https://support.microsoft.com/?id=325473
c. Migrating from Windows NT Server 4.0 to Windows Server 2003 https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=e92cf6a0-76f0-4e25-8de0-19544062a6e6\&DisplayLang=en
7) DHCP Tools: Support Page Download Page
8) Transcripts of Previous Chats:
- Anonymous
February 22, 2005
That's pretty useful. - Anonymous
May 23, 2005
http://www.yeyan.cn/Programming/DHCPServerDocumentation.aspx - Anonymous
July 04, 2006
This is of great help but its not working at my end.
When I try to get the dump of my scope it gives me error
netsh dhcp server scope>dump> d:scopereserved.txt
The following command was not found: dump> d:scopereserved.txt.
netsh dhcp server scope>dump>d:scopereserved.txt
The following command was not found: dump>d:scopereserved.txt.
netsh dhcp server scope>exit
C:>netsh dhcp server scope dump>dump.txt
Access is denied.
C:>netsh dhcp server scope dump>dump.txt
Access is denied.
netsh dhcp>server
netsh dhcp server>10.0.019
The following command was not found: 10.0.019.
netsh dhcp server>
netsh dhcp server>scope dump>dump.txt
Changed the current scope context to scope.
The following command was not found: scope dump>dump.txt.
netsh dhcp server>?
list - Lists all the commands available.
dump - Dumps configuration to a text file.
help - Displays help.
? - Displays help.
add - Adds a configuration entry to a table.
delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table.
export - Exports the configuration to a file.
import - Imports the configuration from a file.
initiate - Initiates an operation.
set - Sets configuration information.
show - Displays information.
scope <scope-ip-address> - To switch to the scope identified by
the IP address.
mscope <mscope-name> - To switch to the mscope identified by
the MScope name.
netsh dhcp server>scope
Changed the current scope context to scope.
netsh dhcp server scope>dump>dump.txt
The following command was not found: dump>dump.txt.
netsh dhcp server scope>?
list - Lists all the commands available.
dump - Dumps scope configuration to a text file.
help - Displays help.
? - Displays help.
add - Adds a configuration entry to a table.
delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table.
initiate - Initiates an operation.
set - Sets configuration information.
show - Displays information.
netsh dhcp server scope>help
list - Lists all the commands available.
dump - Dumps scope configuration to a text file.
help - Displays help.
? - Displays help.
add - Adds a configuration entry to a table.
delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table.
initiate - Initiates an operation.
set - Sets configuration information.
show - Displays information.
netsh dhcp server scope>show
The command is incomplete. The possible completions are:
show clients - Displays all available version 4 client for
the scope.
show clientsv5 - Displays all available version 5 client for
the scope.
show excluderange - Displays all available exclusion ranges for
the scope.
show iprange - Displays all available IP ranges for the scope.
show optionvalue - Displays all options that are set for the scope.
show reservedip - Displays all available reservation address for
the scope.
show reservedoptionvalue - Displays the options set for a particular
reservation address in the scope.
show scope - Displays the current scope.
show state - Displays the current state of the scope.
netsh dhcp server scope>show scope
Current Scope in the Server
netsh dhcp server scope>
Please let me know where I am wrong, I tried all different combinations.
Thanks in Advance.
Damal Raval - Anonymous
January 10, 2007
this is the coorect sentexC:>netsh dhcp server scope dump >dump.txtI think you forgot to leave a space after ">"try it again, Thanks. - Anonymous
January 10, 2007
sorry for the mistake eralier,this is the correct sentexC:>netsh dhcp server scope dump >dump.txtI think you forgot to leave a space before ">"try it again, Thanks. - Anonymous
April 24, 2007
Hi Anto,Hope you can help.I am trying to get work "netsh dhcp server" commands on an XPPro and/or Vista Ent PC.I always get the error: "the following command was not found: netsh dhcp server". However I was able to make it work a on my previous XPPro PC. I tried installing "admin tools" "Support Tools" "Resource Kit". No joy. I can not remmeber how I did make that work. Hope you can help.Tks in advanceRgdsEmmanuel - Anonymous
June 24, 2007
I have a problem. We are using a surf control system that sniffs the wire and allows/disallows web access. The problem is when the reports are run, it pulls the incorrect machine name often because another machine has taken that IP. We have over 20K machines, and about 50 subnets, so reservations are not practical. I am thinking about creating another database with machine name-mac addr-IP, but it seems there should be another way. Any ideas? Thanks, Charles