
Power Query - Pulling in Foursquare Data into Power BI

As a follow-up to my previous post, I wanted to do a quick demo of how to pull in JSON-structured data into Power BI.  Going directly into Power Pivot isn't an option; we need to use Power Query to help pluck the data we need out of the API call.


In my example, I use the Foursquare API.  Documentation for their API is available here:


You'll see that any user-specific Foursquare queries (e.g. you might want to know how many check-ins did Foursquare see at Location X) require OAuth authentication.  At the moment, I'm not sure how you can *easily* bypass the OAuth requirement of Foursquare's API when using Power Query.  For now, we'll use their "Venues" endpoint.

The demo is available below.  Nothing too glamorous here - just wanted to share how you configure Power Query to sift through JSONs to get the data you need for your analysis.



