
Does your application require customizing System.Net.WebPermission, SocketPermission or DnsPermission settings?

.Net frameworks comes with deefault security settings where components running under Intranet, Internet Zone can only have WebPermission to connect back to the server, from where they are downloaded. Also the component from Intranet zone and Internet zone don't have any SocketPermission and DnsPermission by default.

I am trying to find out some real world usage scenarios, where people are customizing these security settings for there application or components in either intranet or internet zone deployment. Special interest is WebPermission, SocketPermission, DnsPermission or NetworkInformationPermission (NetowrkInformationPermission is only in .net frameworks 2.0).

If you are one of them, please drop your comment about scenario and your experience with it.


  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2006
    This is my second week trying to create a window form hosted in a asp.net page.

    I would like to implement drag and drop window form with socket capability to send file to server.

    I am able to create the socket in the asp.net page but my Custom User Control is unable to create the socket.

    I am including the Window Control through.

    <OBJECT id="myControl1" name="myControl1" classid="ActiveXDotNet.dll#ActiveXDotNet.myControl" width=288 height=300 VIEWASTEXT>

    I tried signing the assembly but no luck.

    Currently trying to create a custom Permission class.


    Not sure how to implement the class once created. Also are getting compiler errors "inaccessible due to its protection level".
  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    would be nice if you provided pointers to documentation on how to successfully work with Intranet zone...yes am doing this, yes is painful, yes is more secure... no is not appropriate since we mitigate risks in a real-world scenario with proxy servers and firewalls, can't rely security development lifecycle to catch these...  effectiveness on scale of 1..10  I give it a 3 when considering environments that aren't medium to large scale...if it's your feature... suggest talking with larger customers with strict environments