
OzMoss.com has moved!

Firstly big shout out to Grant Holliday of OzTFS.com fame and a recently joined and relocated member of the Microsoft TFS team over in Redmond. Thanks Grant!

The OzMoss.com details are below:

To post to the list

Send messages to ozmoss@ozmoss.com.

To unsubscribe

Send an empty e-mail message to ozmoss-unsubscribe@ozmoss.com.

To subscribe

Send an empty e-mail message to ozmoss-subscribe@ozmoss.com. You will receive a validation message to confirm your email address, to which you must reply to be subscribed.

Message filtering/Inbox sorting

There is an SMTP header set for list-id which you can filter messages on. This is better than prefixing/munging the subject line.

List archive

The list archive can be found at: https://www.mail-archive.com/listserver\@ozmoss.com/.


If you are having problems with your subscription or you have questions about the list, please contact myself or Codify who host the list using this form: https://www.codify.com/AboutUs/ContactUs


Grant has some more info here.
