How can I effectively integrate C# with my website, PlayTime PH, to enhance functionality and performance?
Integrating C# with your website, PlayTime PH, can be beneficial for enhancing functionality and performance. Here are some effective ways to achieve this: Backend API Development Use ASP.NET Core to develop a secure and scalable backend API. …
GATT client app
Dear All, I reference a UWP BluetoothLE sample to develop a GATT client and have some problems. After sample app to pair a device, app can't get device GATT services list. Is there a flow to pair and get GATT service list? If a ble device is…
各位前輩大家好, 不好意思,小弟在此有一個問題求救。 小弟我有一個GridView(HeaderStyle、ItemStyle),資料是由MSSQL來產生。 現在要讓裏頭其中一個欄位擁有title的屬性, 並且滑鼠滑過會顯示該欄位完整內容。 ItemStyle並沒有title屬性,所以小弟不清楚這樣該如何運用title加上CSS或Jquery來產生效果。 想請教各位前輩是否有過類似經驗可以傳授,深表感激。
.Net framework startup app 如何通過 Fast Startup 測試?
Hi, 使用.Net framework 開發的 startup app 在Windows Assessment Toolkit中的Fast Startup 測項中都會被列入Issue, 請問是否有方法不被列入Issue? Thanks. Hank
OS: win10 enterprise 2021 LTSC版本跳出ngentask.exe 不明的軟體例外錯誤(0xc06d007e)是什麼原因造成
作業系統使用Win10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC版本開發程式,發生錯誤如下: 跳出來後,隨即黑屏
C# LoadLibrary issue
In C#, I imported the C DLL through LoadLibrary. In .net3.5 I used Marshal.PtrToStructure to convert the pointer back to the structure I successfully get int map_num equal to 1 But when I run .net4.8, I get 0x00007ffb. Why is this? public struct…
Failed to parse method 'InitializeComponent'. The parser reported the following error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'. Please look in the Task List for potential errors.
|||Instances of this error (1) 1. Hide Call Stack at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomParser.OnMethodPopulateStatements(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.get_Statements() at…
如下圖所示, 我的程式碼是寫: webBrowser1.Navigate(""); 但很多圖都出不來是什麼原因呢?
關於EF core 8的一個問題
這是EF8產生的SQL 這是Linq原始碼 這是錯誤資訊 請問一下問題在那裡 我好像不能用Not in語法的樣子
Cannot get routeData in IExceptionHandler.TryHandleAsync() for ASP.NET Core 8
I have the following code, and the context. GetRouteData() always return null. I want to log the controller name and action name when exception occurs. How can I fix it? GlobalExceptionHandler.cs public async ValueTask<bool>…
未正確載入套件 Windows Forms Designer Packge
未正確載入套件 Windows Forms Designer Packge 要如何解決 謝謝