適用於:Advanced Threat Analytics 1.9 版
本文只有在您部署 ATA 閘道而非 ATA 輕量型閘道時才相關。 若要判斷您是否需要使用 ATA 閘道,請參閱 選擇適合您部署的閘道。
下列步驟會逐步引導您完成驗證埠鏡像是否已正確設定的程式。 若要讓 ATA 正常運作,ATA 閘道必須能夠查看域控制器的來回流量。 ATA 使用的主要數據源是深入的封包檢查您域控制器的網路流量。 若要讓 ATA 查看網路流量,必須設定埠鏡像。 埠鏡像會將流量從來源埠) (一個埠複製到目的地埠) (另一個埠。
使用 Windows PowerShell 腳本驗證埠鏡像
- 將此腳本的文字儲存到名為 ATAdiag.ps1的檔案中。
- 在您要驗證的 ATA 閘道上執行此文稿。 腳本會產生從 ATA 閘道到域控制器的 ICMP 流量,並在域控制器的擷取 NIC 上尋找該流量。 如果 ATA 閘道看到目的地 IP 位址與您在 ATA 控制台中輸入的 DC IP 位址相同的 ICMP 流量,則會認為已設定埠鏡像。
# ATAdiag.ps1 -CaptureIP n.n.n.n -DCIP n.n.n.n -TestCount n
param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$CaptureIP, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DCIP, [int]$PingCount = 10)
# Set variables
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
$starttime = get-date
$byteIn = new-object byte[] 4
$byteOut = new-object byte[] 4
$byteData = new-object byte[] 4096 # size of data
$byteIn[0] = 1 # for promiscuous mode
$byteIn[1-3] = 0
$byteOut[0-3] = 0
# Convert network data to host format
function NetworkToHostUInt16 ($value)
function NetworkToHostUInt32 ($value)
function ByteToString ($value)
$AsciiEncoding = new-object system.text.asciiencoding
Write-Host "Testing Port Mirroring..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Here is a summary of the connection we will test." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Initialize a first ping connection
Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $DCIP -ea SilentlyContinue
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Press any key to continue..." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Sending ICMP and Capturing data..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Open a socket
$socket = new-object system.net.sockets.socket([Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw,[Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::IP)
# Include the IP header
$socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 10000
$ipendpoint = new-object system.net.ipendpoint([net.ipaddress]"$CaptureIP",0)
# Enable promiscuous mode
# Initialize test variables
$tests = 0
$TestResult = "Noise"
$OneSuccess = 0
while ($tests -le $PingCount)
if (!$socket.Available) # see if any packets are in the queue
start-sleep -milliseconds 500
# Capture traffic
$rcv = $socket.receive($byteData,0,$byteData.length,[net.sockets.socketflags]::None)
# Decode the header so we can read ICMP
$MemoryStream = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream($byteData,0,$rcv)
$BinaryReader = new-object System.IO.BinaryReader($MemoryStream)
# Set IP version & header length
$VersionAndHeaderLength = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$TypeOfService= $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
# More values, and the Protocol Number for ICMP traffic
# Convert network format of big-endian to host format of little-endian
$TotalLength = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2)
$Identification = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2)
$FlagsAndOffset = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2)
$TTL = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$ProtocolNumber = $BinaryReader.ReadByte()
$Checksum = [Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($BinaryReader.ReadInt16())
# The source and destination IP addresses
$SourceIPAddress = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32()
$DestinationIPAddress = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32()
# The source and destimation ports
$sourcePort = [uint16]0
$destPort = [uint16]0
# Close the stream reader
# Cast DCIP into an IPaddress type
$DCIPP = [ipaddress] $DCIP
$DestinationIPAddressP = [ipaddress] $DestinationIPAddress
#Ping the DC at the end after starting the capture
Test-Connection -Count 1 -ComputerName $DCIP -ea SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
# This is the match logic - check to see if Destination IP from the Ping sent matches the DCIP entered by in the ATA Console
# The only way the ATA Gateway should see a destination of the DC is if Port Spanning is configured
if ($DestinationIPAddressP -eq $DCIPP) # is the destination IP eq to the DC IP?
$TestResult = "Port Spanning success!"
$OneSuccess = 1
} else {
$TestResult = "Noise"
# Put source, destination, test result in Powershell object
new-object psobject | add-member -pass noteproperty CaptureSource $([system.net.ipaddress]$SourceIPAddress) | add-member -pass noteproperty CaptureDestination $([system.net.ipaddress]$DestinationIPAddress) | Add-Member -pass NoteProperty Result $TestResult | Format-List | Out-Host
#Count tests
$tests ++
if ($OneSuccess -eq 1)
Write-Host "Port Spanning Success!" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "At least one packet which was addressed to the DC, was picked up by the Gateway." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "A little noise is OK, but if you don't see a majority of successes, you might want to re-run." -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
Write-Host "No joy, all noise. You may want to re-run, increase the number of Ping Counts, or check your config." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Press any key to continue..." -ForegroundColor Red
使用 Net Mon 驗證埠鏡像
在您要驗證的 ATA 閘道安裝 Microsoft網路監視器 3.4 。
請勿在 ATA 閘道上安裝Microsoft訊息分析器或任何其他流量擷取軟體。
開啟 [網络監視器] 並建立新的擷取索引標籤。
只選取擷 取 網路適配器或連線到設定為埠鏡像目的地之交換器埠的網路適配器。
確定已啟用 P 模式。
按兩下 [新增擷取]。
在 [顯示篩選] 視窗中,輸入下列篩選條件: KerberosV5 或 LDAP ,然後按兩下 [ 套用]。
按兩下 [開始 ] 以啟動擷取工作階段。 如果您沒有看到連入域控制器的流量,請檢閱您的埠鏡像設定。