
在 Azure AI 搜尋中將語意排名新增至查詢


本文說明如何在查詢上叫語意排名工具。 它假設您使用的是最新的穩定或預覽 API。 如需舊版的說明,請參閱 移轉語意排名程序代碼



會從搜尋文件中的文字擷取標題和答案。 語意子系統會使用機器閱讀理解來識別具有標題或答案特性的內容,但其不會撰寫新的句子或片語。 因此,包含說明或定義的內容最適用於語意排名。 如果您要與產生的回應進行聊天樣式互動,請參閱擷取擴增生成 (RAG)


您可以使用下列任何工具和 SDK 來建置使用語意排名的查詢:


一些查詢功能會略過相關性評分,這使得其與語意排名不相容。 如果您的查詢邏輯包含下列功能,則無法對結果進行語意排名:

  • 具有 search=* 或空白搜尋字串的查詢 (例如純篩選查詢) 將無法運作,因為沒有任何內容可供測量語意相關性,所以搜尋分數為零。 查詢必須提供可在處理期間評估的字詞或片語。

  • 針對特定欄位排序 (orderBy 子句) 會覆寫搜尋分數和語意分數。 有鑑於語意分數應該會提供排名,若您將語意排名套用至已排序的結果,則新增 orderby 子句會導致 HTTP 400 錯誤。


根據預設,查詢不會使用語意排名。 若要使用語意排名,可以使用兩個不同的參數。 每個參數都支援一組不同的案例。

語意查詢,無論是透過 search 加 號 queryType或 透過 semanticQuery指定,都必須是純文本,而且不能是空的。 空白查詢不會將語意排名套用至結果。

語意排名器參數 純文本搜尋 簡單文字搜尋語法 全文搜索語法 向量搜尋 混合式搜尋 語意答案 和標題
queryType-semantic 1
semanticQuery="<your plain text query>" 2

1queryType=semantic 無法支援明確 simplefull 值, queryType 因為 參數正用於 semantic。 有效的查詢行為是簡單剖析器的預設。

2 參數 semanticQuery 可用於所有查詢類型。 不過,Azure 入口網站 搜尋總管不支援。


搜尋總管包含語意排名選項。 回想一下,您無法在 Azure 入口網站 中設定 semanticQuery 參數。

  1. 登入 Azure 入口網站

  2. 開啟搜尋索引,然後選取 [搜尋總管]

  3. 選取 [查詢選項]。 如果您已定義語意設定,則系統預設會選取此設定。 如果您還未設定,請為索引建立語意設定


  4. 輸入查詢,例如「提供美食且歷史悠久的酒店」,然後選取 [搜尋]

  5. 或者,選取 [JSON 檢視 ],並將定義貼到查詢編輯器中。 Azure 入口網站 不支援使用 semanticQuery,因此需要將 設定queryType"semantic"

    螢幕擷取畫面顯示 Azure 入口網站中的 JSON 查詢語法。

    將查詢類型設定為語意的 JSON 範例,您可以貼到檢視中:

      "search": "funky or interesting hotel with good food on site",
      "count": true,
      "queryType": "semantic",
      "semanticConfiguration": "my-semantic-config",
      "captions": "extractive|highlight-true",
      "answers": "extractive|count-3",
      "highlightPreTag": "<strong>",
      "highlightPostTag": "</strong>",
      "select": "HotelId,HotelName,Description,Category"


只有來自初始結果的前 50 個相符項目可以以語意方式設定優先順位。 如同所有查詢項目,回應是由標示為可擷取的所有欄位所組成,或只包含 select 參數中列出的欄位。 回應包含原始相關性分數,也可能包含計數或批次結果,視您制定要求的方式而定。

在語意排名中,回應具有更多元素:新的語意排名相關性分數、純文字中的選擇性標題、醒目提示,以及選擇性答案。 如果您的結果未包含這些額外的元素,則您的查詢可能設定不正確。 第一個步驟是針對問題進行疑難排解,請檢查語意設定,以確保在索引定義和查詢中都有指定該語意設定。

在用戶端應用程式中,您可以建構搜尋分頁,包含標題作為相符項目的說明,而不是特定欄位的整個內容。 當個別欄位對搜尋結果分頁而言太密集時,此方法很有用。

上述範例查詢的回應(“現場有餐廳的有趣酒店和舒適的大廳或共用區域”) 會傳回三個答案 ("answers": "extractive|count-e")。 系統會傳回標題,因為已設定「標題」屬性,且具有純文字和反白顯示的版本。 如果無法判斷答案,則會從回應中省略。 為了簡潔起見,此範例只會顯示查詢中的三個答案和三個最高評分結果。

  "@odata.count": 29,
  "@search.answers": [
      "key": "24",
      "text": "Chic hotel near the city. High-rise hotel in downtown, within walking distance to theaters, art galleries, restaurants and shops. Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
      "highlights": "Chic hotel near the city. <strong>High-rise hotel in downtown, </strong>within<strong> walking distance to </strong>theaters, art<strong> galleries, restaurants and shops.</strong> Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
      "score": 0.9340000152587891
      "key": "40",
      "text": "Only 8 miles from Downtown. On-site bar/restaurant, Free hot breakfast buffet, Free wireless internet, All non-smoking hotel. Only 15 miles from airport.",
      "highlights": "Only 8 miles from Downtown. <strong>On-site bar/restaurant, Free hot breakfast buffet, Free wireless internet, </strong>All non-smoking<strong> hotel.</strong> Only 15 miles from airport.",
      "score": 0.9210000038146973
      "key": "38",
      "text": "Nature is Home on the beach. Explore the shore by day, and then come home to our shared living space to relax around a stone fireplace, sip something warm, and explore the library by night. Save up to 30 percent. Valid Now through the end of the year. Restrictions and blackouts may apply.",
      "highlights": "Nature is Home on the beach. Explore the shore by day, and then come home to our<strong> shared living space </strong>to relax around a stone fireplace, sip something warm, and explore the library by night. Save up to 30 percent. Valid Now through the end of the year. Restrictions and blackouts may apply.",
      "score": 0.9200000166893005
  "value": [
      "@search.score": 3.2328331,
      "@search.rerankerScore": 2.575303316116333,
      "@search.captions": [
          "text": "The best of old town hospitality combined with views of the river and cool breezes off the prairie. Our penthouse suites offer views for miles and the rooftop plaza is open to all guests from sunset to 10 p.m. Enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast in the lobby, and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.",
          "highlights": "The best of old town hospitality combined with views of the river and cool breezes off the prairie. Our<strong> penthouse </strong>suites offer views for miles and the rooftop<strong> plaza </strong>is open to all guests from sunset to 10 p.m. Enjoy a<strong> complimentary continental breakfast in the lobby, </strong>and free Wi-Fi<strong> throughout </strong>the hotel."
      "HotelId": "50",
      "HotelName": "Head Wind Resort",
      "Description": "The best of old town hospitality combined with views of the river and cool breezes off the prairie. Our penthouse suites offer views for miles and the rooftop plaza is open to all guests from sunset to 10 p.m. Enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast in the lobby, and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.",
      "Category": "Suite"
      "@search.score": 0.632956,
      "@search.rerankerScore": 2.5425150394439697,
      "@search.captions": [
          "text": "Every stay starts with a warm cookie. Amenities like the Counting Sheep sleep experience, our Wake-up glorious breakfast buffet and spacious workout facilities await.",
          "highlights": "Every stay starts with a warm cookie. Amenities like the<strong> Counting Sheep sleep experience, </strong>our<strong> Wake-up glorious breakfast buffet and spacious workout facilities </strong>await."
      "HotelId": "34",
      "HotelName": "Lakefront Captain Inn",
      "Description": "Every stay starts with a warm cookie. Amenities like the Counting Sheep sleep experience, our Wake-up glorious breakfast buffet and spacious workout facilities await.",
      "Category": "Budget"
      "@search.score": 3.7076726,
      "@search.rerankerScore": 2.4554927349090576,
      "@search.captions": [
          "text": "Chic hotel near the city. High-rise hotel in downtown, within walking distance to theaters, art galleries, restaurants and shops. Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
          "highlights": "Chic hotel near the city. <strong>High-rise hotel in downtown, </strong>within<strong> walking distance to </strong>theaters, art<strong> galleries, restaurants and shops.</strong> Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance."
      "HotelId": "24",
      "HotelName": "Uptown Chic Hotel",
      "Description": "Chic hotel near the city. High-rise hotel in downtown, within walking distance to theaters, art galleries, restaurants and shops. Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
      "Category": "Suite"
   . . .


針對語意排名,您應該預期搜尋服務支援每個複本最多 10 個同時查詢。

如果磁碟區太高,服務會節流語意排名要求。 包含這些片語的錯誤訊息表示服務具有語意排名的容量:

Error in search query: Operation returned an invalid status 'Partial Content'`


