使用 PowerShell 在 Azure 中建立函數應用程式資源
本文中的 Azure PowerShell 範例指令碼會建立在 Azure 中裝載函數所需的函數應用程式以及其他資源。 函數應用程式提供您的函數可在其中執行的執行內容。 在函數應用程式中執行的所有函數都會共用相同的資源和連線,而且全都會一起調整。
建立資源之後,您可以將專案檔部署到新的函數應用程式。 若要深入了解,請參閱部署方法。
每個函數應用程式都需要 PowerShell 指令碼來建立下列資源:
資源 | Cmdlet | 描述 |
資源群組 | New-AzResourceGroup | 建立您會在其中建立函數應用程式的資源群組。 |
儲存體帳戶 | New-AzStorageAccount | 建立您函數應用程式所使用的儲存體帳戶。 儲存體帳戶名稱必須介於 3 到 24 個字元的長度,而且只能包含數字和小寫字母。 您也可以使用現有帳戶,條件是必須符合儲存體帳戶需求。 |
App Service 方案 | New-AzFunctionAppPlan | 明確建立會定義如何將資源配置給函數應用程式的主控方案。 只有在裝載於進階或專用方案中時才會使用。 在無伺服器取用方案中裝載時,不會使用此 Cmdlet,因為執行 New-AzFunctionApp 時會建立取用方案。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Azure Functions 裝載選項。 |
函式應用程式 | New-AzFunctionApp | 使用必要的資源建立函數應用程式。 參數 -Name 必須是所有 Azure App Service 的全域唯一名稱。
-Name 中的有效字元為 a-z (區分大小寫)、0-9 及 - 。 大部分範例都會建立支援 C# 函數的函數應用程式。 您可以使用參數 -Runtime 來變更語言,其支援值為 DotNet 、Java 、Node 、PowerShell 及 Python 。 使用 -RuntimeVersion 來選擇特定語言版本。 |
- 為 C# 建立無伺服器函數應用程式
- 為 Python 建立無伺服器函數應用程式
- 在進階方案中建立可調整的函數應用程式
- 在專用方案中建立函數應用程式
- 建立具有具名儲存體連線的函數應用程式
- 使用 Azure Cosmos DB 連線建立函數應用程式
- 建立具有持續部署的函數應用程式
- 建立無伺服器 Python 函數應用程式和掛接檔案共用
- 如果您選擇在本機使用 Azure PowerShell:
- 安裝最新版的 Az PowerShell 模組。
- 使用 Connect-AzAccount Cmdlet 連線至 Azure 帳戶。
- 如果您選擇使用 Azure Cloud Shell:
- 請參閱 Azure Cloud Shell 概觀 以取得詳細資訊。
如果您沒有 Azure 訂用帳戶,請在開始之前先建立 Azure 免費帳戶。
為 C# 建立無伺服器函數應用程式
下列指令碼會在預設的取用方案中建立無伺服器 C# 函數應用程式:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-consumption"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet-Isolated -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
為 Python 建立無伺服器函數應用程式
下列指令碼會在取用方案中建立無伺服器 Python 函數應用程式:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-consumption-python"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-python-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
$pythonVersion = "3.9" #Allowed values: 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless Python function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -OSType Linux -Runtime Python -RuntimeVersion $pythonVersion -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
下列指令碼會在支援動態調整的彈性進階方案中建立 C# 函數應用程式:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-premium-plan"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$premiumPlan = "msdocs-premium-plan-$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS" # Allowed values: Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Standard_ZRS, Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS, Standard_GZRS, Standard_RAGZRS
$skuPlan = "EP1"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a Premium plan
Write-Host "Creating $premiumPlan"
New-AzFunctionAppPlan -Name $premiumPlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -Sku $skuPlan -WorkerType Windows
# Create a Function App
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -PlanName $premiumPlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
下列指令碼會建立裝載於專用方案中的函數應用程式;此方案不會由 Functions 動態調整:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-app-service-plan"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$appServicePlan = "msdocs-app-service-plan-$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$skuPlan = "B1"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create an App Service plan
Write-Host "Creating $appServicePlan"
New-AzFunctionAppPlan -Name $appServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -Sku $skuPlan -WorkerType Windows
# Create a Function App
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -PlanName $appServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-connect-to-storage-account"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Get the storage account connection string.
$connstr = (Get-AzStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storage -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).Context.ConnectionString
# Update function app settings to connect to the storage account.
Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -AppSetting @{StorageConStr = $connstr}
使用 Azure Cosmos DB 連線建立函數應用程式
下列指令碼會建立函數應用程式和已連線的 Azure Cosmos DB 帳戶:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-connect-to-cosmos-db"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Create an Azure Cosmos DB database account using the same function app name.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzCosmosDBAccount -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location
# Get the Azure Cosmos DB connection string.
$endpoint = (Get-AzCosmosDBAccount -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).DocumentEndpoint
Write-Host $endpoint
$key = (Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).PrimaryMasterKey
Write-Host $key
# Configure function app settings to use the Azure Cosmos DB connection string.
Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -AppSetting @{CosmosDB_Endpoint = $endpoint; CosmosDB_Key = $key}
下列指令碼會建立具有持續部署的函數應用程式,並設定從公用 GitHub 存放庫發佈:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "deploy-function-app-with-function-github"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "mygithubfunc$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
$runtime = "Node"
# Public GitHub repository containing an Azure Functions code project.
$gitrepo = "https://github.com/Azure-Samples/functions-quickstart-javascript"
<# Set GitHub personal access token (PAT) to enable authenticated GitHub deployment in your subscription when using a private repo.
$token = <Replace with a GitHub access token when using a private repo.>
$propertiesObject = @{
token = $token
Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $propertiesObject -ResourceId /providers/Microsoft.Web/sourcecontrols/GitHub -ApiVersion 2018-02-01 -Force
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime $runtime -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Configure GitHub deployment from a public GitHub repo and deploy once.
$propertiesObject = @{
repoUrl = $gitrepo
branch = 'main'
isManualIntegration = $True # $False when using a private repo
Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $propertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols -ResourceName $functionApp/web -ApiVersion 2018-02-01 -Force
# Connect to function application
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$functionApp.azurewebsites.net/api/httpexample?name=Azure"
建立無伺服器 Python 函數應用程式和掛接檔案共用
下列指令碼會在 Linux 上建立 Python 函數應用程式,並建立與掛接外部 Azure 檔案儲存體共用:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "functions-cli-mount-files-storage-linux"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
$pythonVersion = "3.9" #Allowed values: 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
$share = "msdocs-fileshare-$randomIdentifier"
$directory = "msdocs-directory-$randomIdentifier"
$shareId = "msdocs-share-$randomIdentifier"
$mountPath = "/mounted-$randomIdentifier"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Get the storage account key.
$keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -Name $storage -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
$storageKey = $keys[0].Value
## Create a serverless Python function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -OSType Linux -Runtime Python -RuntimeVersion $pythonVersion -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Create a share in Azure Files.
Write-Host "Creating $share"
$storageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storage -StorageAccountKey $storageKey
New-AzStorageShare -Name $share -Context $storageContext
# Create a directory in the share.
Write-Host "Creating $directory in $share"
New-AzStorageDirectory -ShareName $share -Path $directory -Context $storageContext
# Add a storage account configuration to the function app
Write-Host "Adding $storage configuration"
$storagePath = New-AzWebAppAzureStoragePath -Name $shareid -Type AzureFiles -ShareName $share -AccountName $storage -MountPath $mountPath -AccessKey $storageKey
Set-AzWebApp -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -AzureStoragePath $storagePath
# Get a function app's storage account configurations.
(Get-AzWebApp -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).AzureStoragePath
只有在 Linux 才支援掛接的檔案共用。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱掛接檔案共用。
在上述步驟中,您已建立資源群組中的 Azure 資源。 若您預期未來不需要使用這些資源,請執行下列 PowerShell 命令來刪除資源群組:
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup
如需有關 Azure PowerShell 的詳細資訊,請參閱 Azure PowerShell 文件。