Microsoft Invest - Customize your buyer profile

Step 1: Get started

Select the My Profile button to open the My Buyer Profile dialog. Basic information about your member displays:

  • ID - The unique identification number for your member.
  • Name - Your member name.
  • Partner Type - The type of partner you are.

Step 2: Update your profile

Complete the following fields:

  • Contact Name - Enter the name of the primary contact.
  • Contact Title - Enter the business title of the primary contact.
  • Phone - Enter the primary contact's phone number.
  • Email - Enter the primary contact's email address. A notification is sent to this address when the seller posts a new message in the Activity Stream.
  • Website - Enter the URL of your company's website.
  • Address/Address 2 - Enter the mailing address for the primary contact.
  • City - Enter the city in which the primary contact is located.
  • Region - Enter the state or province in which the primary contact is located.
  • Postal Code - Enter the postal (zip) code in which the primary contact is located.
  • Country - Enter the country/region in which the primary contact is located.
  • Company Info - Enter any additional information about your company that may be relevant.
  • Use the same information for my seller profile - Select this checkbox to use this same information when a seller is viewing your buyer profile in the Partner Center screen.

Step 3: Record your changes

When all changes have been made, select Save at the bottom of the dialog. Your changes are recorded and you are returned to the Partner Center screen.