
必须实现以创建墨迹识别器的方法由平板电脑平台 API 调用,而不是由启用墨迹的应用程序直接调用。


  1. 加载 DLL。
  2. 创建 HRECOGNIZER 句柄。
  3. 创建 HRECOCONTEXT 句柄。
  4. 为此上下文设置识别器选项和模式。
  5. 笔划将添加到墨迹数据中。
  6. 输入已结束。
  7. 墨迹被识别。
  8. 返回识别结果。
  9. HRECOCONTEXT 句柄被销毁。
  10. HRECOGNIZER 句柄被销毁。


CreateRecognizer(CLSID, &hrec);
while (more pieces of ink to recognize ... )
  // Create a context, once per piece of ink to be recognized
  hrc = CreateContext(hrec, &hrc);

  // Functions to set up options and modes for this context
  SetGuide(hrc, pGuide, 0);
  SetFactoid(hrc, 5, PHONE); // only if in application with forms
  SetFlags(hrc, RECOFLAG_WORDMODE); // rare, only if wanting word mode, no out-of-dictionary, or single segmentation
  SetWordList(hrc, hwl);

  // Adding all the strokes in this piece of ink
  while (more strokes ... )
    AddStroke(hrc, NULL, 800, pPacket, pXForm);  // one call per stroke

  // This gets the ink recognized

  // If this is a simple application, it calls this for a simple answer
  GetBestResultString(hrc, length, buffer);

  // If this is a complex application, it calls this for a complete answer
  GetLatticePtr(hrc, &pLattice);

  // Destroy the context
// Called just before the application shuts down

识别器 API

识别 API 体系结构