本主题提供在 XPS OM 中使用渐变的示例。
// brush is the pointer to the gradient brush that will get
// the new gradient and is initialized outside of this code example
// this is the start of the method that updates the brush
XPS_COLOR xpsColorStop;
IXpsOMGradientStopCollection *stops;
IXpsOMGradientStop *xpsNewGradientStop = NULL, *thisStop = NULL, *nextStop = NULL;
UINT32 thisStopIdx, numStops;
FLOAT thisStopOffset, nextStopOffset, newStopOffset;
BOOL bUpdated = FALSE;
// define the new stop color to be yellow
xpsColorStop.colorType = XPS_COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.alpha = 0xFF;
xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.red = 0xFF;
xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.green = 0xFF;
xpsColorStop.value.sRGB.blue = 0x00;
// create a new gradient stop by setting the color and location
// this stop will be half way between the start and end point
newStopOffset = 0.5f;
hr = xpsFactory->CreateGradientStop(&xpsColorStop, NULL, newStopOffset, &xpsNewGradientStop);
// get the collection of gradient stops from the brush
hr = brush->GetGradientStops (&stops);
hr = stops->GetCount (&numStops);
// there will never be less than two stops
// insert the new stop so that the stops are sorted by offset
// if an existing stop has the same offset as the new one,
// overwrite the existing stop with the new stop.
for (thisStopIdx = 0; thisStopIdx < (numStops-1); thisStopIdx++) {
hr = stops->GetAt(thisStopIdx, &thisStop);
hr = stops->GetAt(thisStopIdx+1, &nextStop);
hr = thisStop->GetOffset (&thisStopOffset);
hr = nextStop->GetOffset (&nextStopOffset);
if (newStopOffset < thisStopOffset) {
// insert at thisStopIdx
stops->InsertAt(thisStopIdx, xpsNewGradientStop);
bUpdated = TRUE;
break; // done, so leave loop
if ((newStopOffset > thisStopOffset) && (newStopOffset < nextStopOffset)) {
// the new stop goes in between them
stops->InsertAt (thisStopIdx+1, xpsNewGradientStop);
bUpdated = TRUE;
break; // done, so leave loop
if (newStopOffset == thisStopOffset ) {
// then overwrite the old one
stops->SetAt (thisStopIdx, xpsNewGradientStop);
bUpdated = TRUE;
break; // done, so leave loop
if (newStopOffset == nextStopOffset ) {
// then overwrite the old one
stops->SetAt (thisStopIdx+1, xpsNewGradientStop);
bUpdated = TRUE;
break; // done, so leave loop
// on the last entry, see if this stop is greater than the last entry
// in the collection. If so, append the new one to the end.
if ((thisStopIdx == (numStops-2)) && (newStopOffset > nextStopOffset )) {
// then overwrite the old one
stops->Append ( xpsNewGradientStop );
bUpdated = TRUE;
break; // done, so leave loop
if (NULL != thisStop) {thisStop->Release(); thisStop = NULL;}
if (NULL != nextStop) {nextStop->Release(); nextStop = NULL;}
if (NULL != thisStop) {thisStop->Release(); thisStop = NULL;}
if (NULL != nextStop) {nextStop->Release(); nextStop = NULL;}
// make sure that the new stop was put somewhere in the collection
_ASSERT (bUpdated);
return S_OK;