

  • 状态更改
  • 发生错误
  • 视频帧和音频缓冲区可用
  • 应用程序应在流式捕获期间生成

以下示例创建一个捕获窗口,并在应用程序的消息处理循环中注册状态、错误、视频流和帧回调函数。 它还包含用于禁用回调函数的示例语句。 后续示例演示简单状态、错误和帧回调函数。

case WM_CREATE: 
    char    achDeviceName[80] ; 
    char    achDeviceVersion[100] ; 
    char    achBuffer[100] ; 
    WORD    wDriverCount = 0 ; 
    WORD    wIndex ; 
    WORD    wError ; 
    HMENU   hMenu ; 
    // Create a capture window using the capCreateCaptureWindow macro.
    ghWndCap = capCreateCaptureWindow((LPSTR)"Capture Window", 
        WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 160, 120, (HWND) hWnd, (int) 0); 
    // Register the error callback function using the 
    // capSetCallbackOnError macro. 
    capSetCallbackOnError(ghWndCap, fpErrorCallback); 
    // Register the status callback function using the 
    // capSetCallbackOnStatus macro. 
    capSetCallbackOnStatus(ghWndCap, fpStatusCallback); 
    // Register the video-stream callback function using the
    // capSetCallbackOnVideoStream macro. 
    capSetCallbackOnVideoStream(ghWndCap, fpVideoCallback); 
    // Register the frame callback function using the
    // capSetCallbackOnFrame macro. 
    capSetCallbackOnFrame(ghWndCap, fpFrameCallback); 
    // Connect to a capture driver 

case WM_CLOSE: 
// Use the capSetCallbackOnFrame macro to 
// disable the frame callback. Similar calls exist for the other 
// callback functions.

    capSetCallbackOnFrame(ghWndCap, NULL); 

