
[与此页面关联的功能 DirectShow 是旧版功能。 它已被 MediaPlayerIMFMediaEngineMedia Foundation 中的音频/视频捕获所取代。 这些功能已针对Windows 10和Windows 11进行了优化。 Microsoft 强烈建议新代码尽可能在 Media Foundation 中使用 MediaPlayerIMFMediaEngine音频/视频捕获 ,而不是 DirectShow。 如果可能,Microsoft 建议重写使用旧 API 的现有代码以使用新 API。]

以下函数适用于希望将区域更改支持集成到其解码器或 DVD 应用程序的开发人员。

// Forward declares, constants, typedefs.
const short MAX_DRIVE_NAME = 4;
struct DriveName
BOOL DoesFileExist(LPTSTR pszFile);
BOOL GetDriveLetter(IDvdInfo2 *pDvd, DriveName& szDrive);

#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))

// ChangeDVDRegion :  Function to change the DVD drive region.
// Parameters:
//     hWnd - Handle to the application window.
// Returns TRUE if the change is successful, or FALSE otherwise.
// (Failure usually means there was no drive with a valid DVD-V disc.)
BOOL ChangeDVDRegion(HWND hWnd, IDvdInfo2 *pDvd)
    typedef BOOL (APIENTRY *DVDPPLAUNCHER) (HWND hWnd, CHAR DriveLetter);
    // First find out which drive is a DVD drive with a valid DVD-V disc.
    DriveName  szDVDDrive;

    if (! GetDriveLetter(pDvd, szDVDDrive) )
        MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("No DVD drive was found with DVD-V disc."),
            TEXT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR) ;
        return FALSE;

    // Detect the version. 
    ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);

    if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT  == ver.dwPlatformId)
        HINSTANCE      hInstDLL;
        DVDPPLAUNCHER  dvdPPLauncher;
        CHAR           szDVDDriveA[MAX_DRIVE_NAME];

        const TCHAR szDllName[] =  TEXT("\\storprop.dll");
        // Allocate a large enough string to hold the path + the name.
        TCHAR szCmdLine[MAX_PATH + (sizeof(szDllName)/sizeof(TCHAR)) + 1];

#ifdef UNICODE
        WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szDVDDrive.name, -1,
            szDVDDriveA, sizeof(szDVDDriveA), NULL, NULL );
        StringCchCopy(szDVDDriveA, MAX_DRIVE_NAME, szDVDDrive.name);

        UINT cb = GetSystemDirectory(szCmdLine, MAX_PATH + 1);
        if (cb == 0 || cb > MAX_PATH + 1)
            return FALSE;

        StringCchCat(szCmdLine, ARRAY_SIZE(szCmdLine), szDllName);
        hInstDLL = LoadLibrary (szCmdLine);
        if (hInstDLL)
            BOOL bResult = FALSE;

            dvdPPLauncher = (DVDPPLAUNCHER) GetProcAddress(hInstDLL,
            if (dvdPPLauncher)
                 bResult = dvdPPLauncher(hWnd, szDVDDriveA[0]);
            return bResult;
        return FALSE;

    return FALSE;

// GetDriveLetter: Returns the drive letter of the active DVD drive.
// Parameters:
//     pDvdC - IDvdControl2 interface of the DVD Navigator filter.
//     pszDrive - Receives the first DVD drive with a valid DVD-V disc.
// Returns TRUE if there is a DVD drive with a valid disc.
BOOL GetDriveLetter(IDvdInfo2 *pDvd, DriveName& pszDrive) 
    WCHAR  szPathW[MAX_PATH];
    TCHAR  szPath[MAX_PATH];
    ULONG  ulActualSize = 0;

    pszDrive.name[0] = pszDrive.name[MAX_DRIVE_NAME - 1] = 0;
    // Get the current root directory
    HRESULT hr = pDvd->GetDVDDirectory(szPathW, MAX_PATH, &ulActualSize);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

#ifdef UNICODE
        StringCchCopy(pszDrive.name, MAX_DRIVE_NAME, szPathW);
        WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szPathW, ulActualSize, szPath, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
        StringCchCopy(pszDrive.name, MAX_DRIVE_NAME, szPath);
        if (DRIVE_CDROM == GetDriveType(pszDrive.name)) // could be a DVD drive
            return TRUE;

  // Now loop through all the valid drives to detect which one
  // is a DVD drive with a valid DVD-V disc in it.

  // Get all valid drives
  DWORD dwLen = GetLogicalDriveStrings(MAX_PATH, szPath);

  if (dwLen > MAX_PATH)
      // The function returns a larger value if the buffer is too small.
      return FALSE;

  // Try all drives one by one
  for (size_t dw = 0; dw < dwLen; ) 
      TCHAR *szTmp = szPath + dw;
      // Look only for CD-ROM drives that has a disc with required (.ifo) files
      if (DRIVE_CDROM  == GetDriveType(szTmp)) 
          TCHAR   szDVDPath1[MAX_PATH + 1];
          TCHAR   szDVDPath2[MAX_PATH + 1];
          StringCchCopy(szDVDPath1, MAX_DRIVE_NAME, szTmp);
          StringCchCopy(szDVDPath2, MAX_DRIVE_NAME, szTmp);
          StringCchCat(szDVDPath1, ARRAY_SIZE(szDVDPath1), TEXT("Video_ts\\Video_ts.ifo"));
          StringCchCat(szDVDPath2, ARRAY_SIZE(szDVDPath2), TEXT("Video_ts\\Vts_01_0.ifo"));
          // If the .ifo files exist on this drive then it has a valid DVD-V disc
          if (DoesFileExist(szDVDPath1) && DoesFileExist(szDVDPath2))    
              StringCchCopy(pszDrive.name, MAX_DRIVE_NAME, szTmp);
              return TRUE;   // return the first drive that has a valid DVD-V disc

      size_t len = 0;
      StringCchLength(szTmp, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &len);
      dw += len + 1;

  return FALSE ;   // didn't find any DVD drive with DVD-V content

// DoesFileExist : Determines whether a specified file exists
// Parameters:
//     pszFile - File name to check.
// Returns TRUE if the specified file is found, or FALSE otherwise.
BOOL DoesFileExist(LPTSTR pszFile)
    if (pszFile == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    size_t len = 0;

    if (FAILED(StringCchLength(pszFile, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &len)))
        return FALSE;

    if (len > MAX_PATH)
        return FALSE;

    // We don't want any error message box to pop up when we try to test
    // if the required file is available to open for read --apcb.
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(pszFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, 

    SetErrorMode(uErrorMode);  // restore error mode
    if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE  == hFile) 
        return FALSE;    
    return TRUE;

Windows 中的 DVD 区域更改支持