在缓冲区模式下使用压缩 API

以下示例演示如何在缓冲区模式下使用压缩 API。 开发缓冲区模式是为了方便使用,并自动将输入缓冲区拆分为适合所选压缩算法的大小块。 缓冲区模式会自动格式化未压缩的缓冲区大小,并将其存储在解压缩器可用的压缩缓冲区中。 压缩缓冲区的大小不会自动保存,应用程序需要保存此大小进行解压缩。 如果要在缓冲区模式下使用压缩 API,请在调用 CreateCompressorCreateDecompressor 时,请勿包含 COMPRESS_RAW 标志。

对于大多数情况,建议使用缓冲区模式。 有关如何使用块模式的详细信息,请参阅 在块模式下使用压缩 API

使用缓冲区或块模式的应用程序可以选择在调用 createCompressorCreateDecompressor时指定自定义内存分配例程。 有关简单的自定义分配例程示例,请参阅 在块模式下使用压缩 API 部分。

Windows 8 和 Windows Server 2012: 若要使用以下示例代码,必须运行 Windows 8 或 Windows Server 2012,并且具有“compressapi.h”和“cabinet.dll”,并链接到“Cabinet.lib”。

以下代码片段演示了使用压缩 API 在缓冲区模式下,通过 XPRESS 压缩算法和 Huffman 编码进行文件压缩。 应用程序接受文件,压缩其内容并生成压缩文件。 首先,应用程序调用 CreateCompressorCOMPRESS_ALGORITHM_XPRESS_HUFF 生成压缩器。 然后,它调用 CompressCompressedBufferSize 设置为 0)来查询压缩缓冲区所需的大小。 它将输出缓冲区分配给 CompressedBufferSize 值。 应用程序第二次调用 压缩 来执行实际压缩。 最后,应用程序将压缩的数据写入输出文件。

#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <compressapi.h>

void wmain(_In_ int argc, _In_ WCHAR *argv[])
    COMPRESSOR_HANDLE Compressor    = NULL;
    PBYTE CompressedBuffer          = NULL;
    PBYTE InputBuffer               = NULL;
    HANDLE InputFile                = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    HANDLE CompressedFile           = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;    
    BOOL DeleteTargetFile           = TRUE;
    BOOL Success;
    SIZE_T CompressedDataSize, CompressedBufferSize;
    DWORD InputFileSize, ByteRead, ByteWritten;
    LARGE_INTEGER FileSize;    
    ULONGLONG StartTime, EndTime;
    double TimeDuration;

    if (argc != 3)
        wprintf(L"Usage:\n\t%s <input_file_name> <compressd_file_name>\n", argv[0]);

    //  Open input file for reading, existing file only.
    InputFile = CreateFile(
        argv[1],                  //  Input file name
        GENERIC_READ,             //  Open for reading
        FILE_SHARE_READ,          //  Share for read
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        OPEN_EXISTING,            //  Existing file only
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No attr. template

    if (InputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot open \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Get input file size.
    Success = GetFileSizeEx(InputFile, &FileSize);
    if ((!Success)||(FileSize.QuadPart > 0xFFFFFFFF))
        wprintf(L"Cannot get input file size or file is larger than 4GB.\n");        
        goto done;
    InputFileSize = FileSize.LowPart;

    //  Allocate memory for file content.
    InputBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(InputFileSize);
    if (!InputBuffer)
        wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for uncompressed buffer.\n");
        goto done;

    //  Read input file.
    Success = ReadFile(InputFile, InputBuffer, InputFileSize, &ByteRead, NULL);
    if ((!Success)||(ByteRead != InputFileSize))
        wprintf(L"Cannot read from \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Open an empty file for writing, if exist, overwrite it.
    CompressedFile = CreateFile(
        argv[2],                  //  Compressed file name
        GENERIC_WRITE|DELETE,     //  Open for writing; delete if cannot compress
        0,                        //  Do not share
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        CREATE_ALWAYS,            //  Create a new file; if exist, overwrite it
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No template

    if (CompressedFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create file \t%s\n", argv[2]);
        goto done;

    //  Create an XpressHuff compressor.
    Success = CreateCompressor(
        COMPRESS_ALGORITHM_XPRESS_HUFF, //  Compression Algorithm
        NULL,                           //  Optional allocation routine
        &Compressor);                   //  Handle

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create a compressor %d.\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

    //  Query compressed buffer size.
    Success = Compress(
        Compressor,                  //  Compressor Handle
        InputBuffer,                 //  Input buffer, Uncompressed data
        InputFileSize,               //  Uncompressed data size
        NULL,                        //  Compressed Buffer
        0,                           //  Compressed Buffer size
        &CompressedBufferSize);      //  Compressed Data size

    //  Allocate memory for compressed buffer.
    if (!Success)
        DWORD ErrorCode = GetLastError();

        if (ErrorCode != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
            wprintf(L"Cannot compress data: %d.\n", ErrorCode);
            goto done;
        CompressedBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(CompressedBufferSize);
        if (!CompressedBuffer)
            wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for compressed buffer.\n");
            goto done;

    StartTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Call Compress() again to do real compression and output the compressed
    //  data to CompressedBuffer.
    Success = Compress(
        Compressor,             //  Compressor Handle
        InputBuffer,            //  Input buffer, Uncompressed data
        InputFileSize,          //  Uncompressed data size
        CompressedBuffer,       //  Compressed Buffer
        CompressedBufferSize,   //  Compressed Buffer size
        &CompressedDataSize);   //  Compressed Data size

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Cannot compress data: %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

    EndTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Get compression time.
    TimeDuration = (EndTime - StartTime)/1000.0;

    //  Write compressed data to output file.
    Success = WriteFile(
        CompressedFile,     //  File handle
        CompressedBuffer,   //  Start of data to write
        CompressedDataSize, //  Number of byte to write
        &ByteWritten,       //  Number of byte written
        NULL);              //  No overlapping structure

    if ((ByteWritten != CompressedDataSize) || (!Success))
        wprintf(L"Cannot write compressed data to file: %d.\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

        L"Input file size: %d; Compressed Size: %d\n", 
    wprintf(L"Compression Time(Exclude I/O): %.2f seconds\n", TimeDuration);
    wprintf(L"File Compressed.\n");

    DeleteTargetFile = FALSE;

    if (Compressor != NULL)

    if (CompressedBuffer) 

    if (InputBuffer)

    if (InputFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

    if (CompressedFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        //  Compression fails, delete the compressed file.
        if (DeleteTargetFile)
            FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO fdi;
            fdi.DeleteFile = TRUE;      //  Marking for deletion
            Success = SetFileInformationByHandle(
            if (!Success) {
                wprintf(L"Cannot delete corrupted compressed file.\n");

以下代码片段演示了在缓冲区模式下使用压缩 API 进行文件解压缩。

#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <compressapi.h>

void wmain(_In_ int argc, _In_ WCHAR *argv[])
    DECOMPRESSOR_HANDLE Decompressor    = NULL;
    PBYTE CompressedBuffer              = NULL;
    PBYTE DecompressedBuffer            = NULL;
    HANDLE InputFile                    = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    HANDLE DecompressedFile             = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;    
    BOOL DeleteTargetFile               = TRUE;    
    BOOL Success;
    SIZE_T DecompressedBufferSize, DecompressedDataSize;
    DWORD InputFileSize, ByteRead, ByteWritten;
    ULONGLONG StartTime, EndTime;
    LARGE_INTEGER FileSize;    
    double TimeDuration;

    if (argc != 3) 
        wprintf(L"Usage:\n\t%s <compressed_file_name> <decompressed_file_name>\n", argv[0]);

    //  Open input file for reading, existing file only.
    InputFile = CreateFile(
        argv[1],                  //  Input file name, compressed file
        GENERIC_READ,             //  Open for reading
        FILE_SHARE_READ,          //  Share for read
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        OPEN_EXISTING,            //  Existing file only
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No template

    if (InputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot open \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Get compressed file size.
    Success = GetFileSizeEx(InputFile, &FileSize);
    if ((!Success)||(FileSize.QuadPart > 0xFFFFFFFF))
        wprintf(L"Cannot get input file size or file is larger than 4GB.\n");        
        goto done;
    InputFileSize = FileSize.LowPart;

    //  Allocation memory for compressed content.
    CompressedBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(InputFileSize);
    if (!CompressedBuffer)
        wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for compressed buffer.\n");
        goto done;

    //  Read compressed content into buffer.
    Success = ReadFile(InputFile, CompressedBuffer, InputFileSize, &ByteRead, NULL);
    if ((!Success) || (ByteRead != InputFileSize))
        wprintf(L"Cannot read from \t%s\n", argv[1]);
        goto done;

    //  Open an empty file for writing, if exist, destroy it.
    DecompressedFile = CreateFile(
        argv[2],                  //  Decompressed file name
        GENERIC_WRITE|DELETE,     //  Open for writing
        0,                        //  Do not share
        NULL,                     //  Default security
        CREATE_ALWAYS,            //  Create a new file, if exists, overwrite it.
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    //  Normal file
        NULL);                    //  No template

    if (DecompressedFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create file \t%s\n", argv[2]);
        goto done;

    //  Create an XpressHuff decompressor.
    Success = CreateDecompressor(
        COMPRESS_ALGORITHM_XPRESS_HUFF, //  Compression Algorithm
        NULL,                           //  Optional allocation routine
        &Decompressor);                 //  Handle

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Cannot create a decompressor: %d.\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

    //  Query decompressed buffer size.
    Success = Decompress(
        Decompressor,                //  Compressor Handle
        CompressedBuffer,            //  Compressed data
        InputFileSize,               //  Compressed data size
        NULL,                        //  Buffer set to NULL
        0,                           //  Buffer size set to 0
        &DecompressedBufferSize);    //  Decompressed Data size

    //  Allocate memory for decompressed buffer.
    if (!Success)
        DWORD ErrorCode = GetLastError();

        // Note that the original size returned by the function is extracted 
        // from the buffer itself and should be treated as untrusted and tested
        // against reasonable limits.
        if (ErrorCode != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) 
            wprintf(L"Cannot decompress data: %d.\n",ErrorCode);
            goto done;

        DecompressedBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(DecompressedBufferSize);
        if (!DecompressedBuffer)
            wprintf(L"Cannot allocate memory for decompressed buffer.\n");
            goto done;
    StartTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Decompress data and write data to DecompressedBuffer.
    Success = Decompress(
        Decompressor,               //  Decompressor handle
        CompressedBuffer,           //  Compressed data
        InputFileSize,              //  Compressed data size
        DecompressedBuffer,         //  Decompressed buffer
        DecompressedBufferSize,     //  Decompressed buffer size
        &DecompressedDataSize);     //  Decompressed data size

    if (!Success)
        wprintf(L"Cannot decompress data: %d.\n", GetLastError());
        goto done;

EndTime = GetTickCount64();

    //  Get decompression time.
    TimeDuration = (EndTime - StartTime)/1000.0;

    //  Write decompressed data to output file.
    Success = WriteFile(
        DecompressedFile,       //  File handle
        DecompressedBuffer,     //  Start of data to write
        DecompressedDataSize,   //  Number of byte to write
        &ByteWritten,           //  Number of byte written
        NULL);                  //  No overlapping structure
    if ((ByteWritten != DecompressedDataSize) || (!Success))
        wprintf(L"Cannot write decompressed data to file.\n");
        goto done;
        L"Compressed size: %d; Decompressed Size: %d\n",
    wprintf(L"Decompression Time(Exclude I/O): %.2f seconds\n", TimeDuration);
    wprintf(L"File decompressed.\n");

    DeleteTargetFile = FALSE;

    if (Decompressor != NULL)

    if (CompressedBuffer) 

    if (DecompressedBuffer)

    if (InputFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

    if (DecompressedFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        //  Compression fails, delete the compressed file.
        if (DeleteTargetFile)
            FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO fdi;
            fdi.DeleteFile = TRUE;      //  Marking for deletion
            Success = SetFileInformationByHandle(
            if (!Success) {
                wprintf(L"Cannot delete corrupted decompressed file.\n");