
除了将文件上传到服务器之外,BITS 上传-答复作业还将检查作为服务器答复的一部分发送的答复 URL,然后自动按照答复 URL 操作并从中下载响应。 有关 BITS-Reply-URL 标头值的更多详细信息,请参阅 Ack for Fragment 文档。

设置作业类型为 BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY,创建一个上传-答复类型的作业。 在作业进入 BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED 状态后,客户端可以使用答复数据。 若要检索答复,请调用以下方法之一:

仅在答复较小且可快速处理,以避免阻塞回调线程时,才在 IBackgroundCopyCallback::JobTransferred 方法中调用这些方法。 如果使用命令行通知而不是回调,请将作业标识符传递给可执行文件。 可执行文件使用作业标识符调用 Complete 方法,以使答复文件可用。


使用 GetReplyData

以下示例显示如何使用 IBackgroundCopyJob2::GetReplyData 方法检索答复数据。 该示例假定 IBackgroundCopyJob 接口指针有效,作业的类型为上传-答复,作业的状态为 BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED。

IBackgroundCopyJob* pJob;
IBackgroundCopyJob2* pJob2 = NULL;
BYTE* pReply = NULL;
UINT64 ReplySize;

//Need to query the IBackgroundCopyJob interface for an IBackgroundCopyJob2
//interface pointer. The IBackgroundCopyJob2 interface contains the GetReplyData method.
hr = pJob->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IBackgroundCopyJob2), (void**)&pJob2);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    hr = pJob2->GetReplyData(&pReply, &ReplySize);
    if (S_OK == hr))
        if (pReply)
            //Do something with the data.
            //The server application did not return a reply.
    else if (BG_E_TOO_LARGE == hr)
        //The reply exceeds 1 MB. To retrieve the reply, get the reply file name,
        //complete the job, open the reply file, and read the reply.
        //Handle the error

    pJob2->Release(); //When done, release the interface.
    //Handle error. QueryInterface will return E_NOINTERFACE if the version of BITS
    //running on the computer is less than BITS 1.5.

使用 GetReplyFileName

以下示例显示如何使用 IBackgroundCopyJob2::GetReplyFileName 方法检索答复数据。 该示例假定 IBackgroundCopyJob 接口指针有效,作业的类型为上传-答复,作业的状态为 BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED。

IBackgroundCopyJob* pJob;
IBackgroundCopyJob2* pJob2 = NULL;
WCHAR* pszFileName = NULL;

//Need to query the IBackgroundCopyJob interface for an IBackgroundCopyJob2
//interface pointer. The IBackgroundCopyJob2 interface contains the GetReplyFileName method.
hr = pJob->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IBackgroundCopyJob2), (void**)&pJob2);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    hr = pJob2->GetReplyFileName(&pszFileName);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        //Calling the Complete method removes the job from the queue, 
        //so make sure you maintain an interface pointer to this job 
        //or retrieve any job related information that you require 
        //when processing the reply.
        hr = pJob->Complete();

        //Open, read the file, and do something with the data.

    pJob2->Release(); //When done, release the interface.
    //Handle error. QueryInterface will return E_NOINTERFACE if the version of BITS
    //running on the computer is less than BITS 1.5.