用于创建外部 crossRef 对象的示例代码
以下 Visual Basic 代码示例演示如何创建外部 crossRef 对象。
' CreateCrossRef()
' Description: Creates a crossRef object in the partitions container.
' Parameters:
' CrossRefName - Contains the name of the crossRef object.
' CrossRefDNSRoot - Contains the value to be set for the dNSRoot
' attribute of the crossRef object.
' CrossRefNCName - Contains the value to be set for the nCName
' attribute of the crossRef object.
Sub CreateCrossRef(CrossRefName, _
CrossRefDNSRoot, _
Dim oRootDSE As IADs
Dim oPartitions As IADsContainer
Dim ADsPath As String
Dim oCrossRef As IADs
' Get the configurationNamingContext property from the
' RootDSE object.
Set oRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
ADsPath = "LDAP://CN=Partitions," +
' Bind to the Partitions container.
Set oPartitions = GetObject(ADsPath)
' Create the crossRef object.
Set oCrossRef = oPartitions.Create("crossRef",
"CN=" & CrossRefName)
' Set the dNSRoot attribute.
oCrossRef.Put "dNSRoot", CrossRefDNSRoot
' Set the nCName attribute.
oCrossRef.Put "nCName", CrossRefNCName
' Commit the crossRef object to the directory.
End Sub