
在授权管理器中,操作是应用程序的低级别函数或方法。 这些操作作为任务分组在一起。 应用程序的用户请求完成任务的权限。 操作由 IAzOperation 对象表示。 有关操作的详细信息,请参阅 操作和任务

以下示例演示如何在授权策略存储中定义操作。 该示例假定驱动器 C 的根目录中有一个名为 MyStore.xml 的现有 XML 策略存储,并且此存储包含名为 Expense 的应用程序。

'  Create the AzAuthorizationStore object.
Dim AzManStore
Set AzManStore = CreateObject("AzRoles.AzAuthorizationStore")

'  Initialize the authorization store.
AzManStore.Initialize 2, "msxml://C:\MyStore.xml"

'  Open the application object in the store.
Dim expenseApp
Set expenseApp= AzManStore.OpenApplication("Expense")

'  Create operations.

'  Create first operation.
Dim Op1
Set Op1 = expenseApp.CreateOperation("RetrieveForm")

'  Set the OperationID property.
Op1.OperationID = 1

'  Save the operation to the store.

'  Create second operation.
Dim Op2
Set Op2 = expenseApp.CreateOperation("EnqueRequest")

'  Set the OperationID property.
Op2.OperationID = 2

'  Save the operation to the store.

'  Create third operation.
Dim Op3
Set Op3 = expenseApp.CreateOperation("DequeRequest")

'  Set the OperationID property.
Op3.OperationID = 3

'  Save the operation to the store.

'  Create fourth operation.
Dim Op4
Set Op4 = expenseApp.CreateOperation("UseFormControl")

'  Set the OperationID property.
Op4.OperationID = 4

'  Save the operation to the store.

'  Create fifth operation.
Dim Op5
Set Op5 = expenseApp.CreateOperation("MarkFormApproved")

'  Set the OperationID property.
Op5.OperationID = 5

'  Save the operation to the store.

'  Create sixth operation.
Dim Op6
Set Op6 = expenseApp.CreateOperation("SendApprovalNotify")

'  Set the OperationID property.
Op6.OperationID = 6

'  Save the operation to the store.