IProvidePropertyBuilder::ExecuteBuilder method

Notifies an object that it should display its builder for the specified property.


void ExecuteBuilder(
  [in]          LONG      dispid,
  [in]          BSTR      bstrGuidBldr,
  [in]          IDispatch *pdispApp,
  [in]          LONG_PTR  hwndBldrOwner,
  [in, out]     LPVARIANT pvarValue,
  [out, retval] LPBOOL    pbActionCommitted


dispid [in]

The DISPID of the property for which the builder displays.

bstrGuidBldr [in]

The BSTR of the builder GUID to invoke. This is returned from MapToPropertyBuilder.

pdispApp [in]

Set to NULL.

hwndBldrOwner [in]

A handle to the parent pop-up builder window.

pvarValue [in, out]

The current value of the property. This value can be modified by the object and changes to the new value if pbActionCommitted is TRUE.

pbActionCommitted [out, retval]

A value that indicates whether the builder performed an action on the object. Can be used when a user modifies something, then presses OK on the pop-up builder dialog box.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT value.


Requirement Value

See also
