
合成视觉对象组成了合成 API 的所有其他功能均可使用和基于的可视化树结构。 该 API 允许开发人员定义并创建一个或多个可视化对象,其中每个对象表示可视化树中的单个节点。



  • Visual – 基对象,大部分属性均位于此处且继承自其他视觉对象。
  • ContainerVisual – 派生自视觉对象,并添加了创建子视觉对象的功能。
    • SpriteVisual – 派生自 ContainerVisual。 添加了关联画笔的功能,以便视觉对象可以呈现像素,包括图像、效果或纯色。
    • LayerVisual – 派生自 ContainerVisual。 视觉对象的子元素将平展为单个层。
      (Windows 10 版本 1607 SDK 14393 中引入的。)
    • ShapeVisual – 派生自 ContainerVisual。 一个可视化树节点,它是 CompositionShape 的根。
      Windows 10 版本 1803 SDK 17134 中引入的。
    • RedirectVisual – 派生自 ContainerVisual。 视觉对象从另一个视觉对象获取其内容。
      Windows 10 版本 1809 SDK 17763 中引入的。
    • SceneVisual – 派生自 ContainerVisual。 适用于 3D 场景的节点的容器视觉对象。
      Windows 10 版本 1903 SDK 18362 中引入的。

可以使用 CompositionBrush 及其子类(包括 CompositionColorBrushCompositionSurfaceBrushCompositionEffectBrush)将内容和效果应用于 SpriteVisual。 若要了解有关画笔的详细信息,请参阅 CompositionBrush 概述

CompositionVisual 示例

在此,我们将看一些演示前面列出的三种不同视觉类型的示例代码。 尽管此示例不介绍诸如动画或更复杂的效果等概念,但它包含所有这些系统需要使用的构成要素。 (本文的结尾列出了完整的示例代码)。

在该示例中,提供大量可以在屏幕上单击和拖动的纯色正方形。 在单击某一正方形后它将凸显, 将其旋转 45 度,然后在拖动该正方形时它将变为不透明。

此处显示了大量关于使用 API 的基本概念,其中包括:

  • 创建合成器
  • 使用 CompositionColorBrush 创建 SpriteVisual
  • 剪裁可视对象
  • 旋转可视对象
  • 设置不透明度
  • 更改集合中视觉对象的位置。


创建 Compositor 并存储它以用作某一变量中的工厂对象是一项简单的任务。 以下代码段演示了如何创建新的 Compositor

_compositor = new Compositor();

创建 SpriteVisual 和 ColorBrush

使用 Compositor 可随时根据需要轻松创建对象,如 SpriteVisualCompositionColorBrush

var visual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
visual.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));

虽然该代码段只有几行代码,但它演示了一个强大的概念:即 SpriteVisual 对象,此类对象是效果系统的核心。 在创建颜色、图形和效果方面,SpriteVisual 具有出色的灵活性和互动性。 SpriteVisual 是单一视觉对象类型,该对象可以使用画笔填充 2D 矩形;在本示例中为纯色。


Compositor 还可以用于创建 Visual 的剪裁。 下面的例子来自于使用 InsetClip 剪裁可视对象每一侧的示例:

var clip = _compositor.CreateInsetClip();
clip.LeftInset = 1.0f;
clip.RightInset = 1.0f;
clip.TopInset = 1.0f;
clip.BottomInset = 1.0f;
_currentVisual.Clip = clip;

与 API 中的其他对象一样,InsetClip 也可以将动画应用到其属性。


Visual 可以通过旋转进行转换。 请注意,RotationAngle 同时支持弧度和度数。 其默认采用弧度为单位,不过也可以轻松指定以度数为单位,如以下代码段中所示:

child.RotationAngleInDegrees = 45.0f;

Rotation 仅仅是 API 提供一组转换组件以供简化这些任务的示例之一。 此外,还包括 Offset、Scale、Orientation、RotationAxis 和 4x4 TransformMatrix。


使用浮点值可轻松设置视觉对象的不透明度。 例如,在该示例中所有正方形的不透明度一开始都为 .8:

visual.Opacity = 0.8f;

与 Rotation 一样,Opacity 属性也进行动画处理。


借助合成 API,可以采用多种方式更改 VisualCollection 中视觉对象的位置。 使用 InsertAbove 可将该对象放置在其他视觉对象的上方、使用 InsertBelow 可放置在下方、使用 InsertAtTop 可移动到顶部,而使用InsertAtBottom 可移动到底部。

在示例中,如果在 Visual 对象上单击,该对象将排列到顶部:



在完整示例中,上述所有概念可一起用于构造和浏览 Visual 对象的一个简单树,以便可以在不使用 XAML、WWA 或 DirectX 的情况下更改不透明度。 此示例显示了如何创建和添加子 Visual 对象,以及如何更改属性。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.UI.Composition;
using Windows.UI.Core;

namespace compositionvisual
    class VisualProperties : IFrameworkView
        // VisualProperties.Initialize
        // This method is called during startup to associate the IFrameworkView with the
        // CoreApplicationView.

        void IFrameworkView.Initialize(CoreApplicationView view)
            _view = view;
            _random = new Random();

        // VisualProperties.SetWindow
        // This method is called when the CoreApplication has created a new CoreWindow,
        // allowing the application to configure the window and start producing content
        // to display.

        void IFrameworkView.SetWindow(CoreWindow window)
            _window = window;
            _window.PointerPressed += OnPointerPressed;
            _window.PointerMoved += OnPointerMoved;
            _window.PointerReleased += OnPointerReleased;

        // VisualProperties.OnPointerPressed
        // This method is called when the user touches the screen, taps it with a stylus
        // or clicks the mouse.

        void OnPointerPressed(CoreWindow window, PointerEventArgs args)
            Point position = args.CurrentPoint.Position;

            // Walk our list of visuals to determine who, if anybody, was selected
            foreach (var child in _root.Children)
                // Did we hit this child?
                Vector3 offset = child.Offset;
                Vector2 size = child.Size;

                if ((position.X >= offset.X) &&
                    (position.X < offset.X + size.X) &&
                    (position.Y >= offset.Y) &&
                    (position.Y < offset.Y + size.Y))
                    // This child was hit. Since the children are stored back to front,
                    // the last one hit is the front-most one so it wins
                    _currentVisual = child as ContainerVisual;
                    _offsetBias = new Vector2((float)(offset.X - position.X),
                                              (float)(offset.Y - position.Y));

            // If a visual was hit, bring it to the front of the Z order
            if (_currentVisual != null)
                ContainerVisual parent = _currentVisual.Parent as ContainerVisual;

        // VisualProperties.OnPointerMoved
        // This method is called when the user moves their finger, stylus or mouse with
        // a button pressed over the screen.

        void OnPointerMoved(CoreWindow window, PointerEventArgs args)
            // If a visual is selected, drag it with the pointer position and
            // make it opaque while we drag it
            if (_currentVisual != null)
                // Set up the properties of the visual the first time it is
                // dragged. This will last for the duration of the drag
                if (!_dragging)
                    _currentVisual.Opacity = 1.0f;

                    // Transform the first child of the current visual so that
                    // the image is rotated
                    foreach (var child in _currentVisual.Children)
                        child.RotationAngleInDegrees = 45.0f;
                        child.CenterPoint = new Vector3(_currentVisual.Size.X / 2, _currentVisual.Size.Y / 2, 0);

                    // Clip the visual to its original layout rect by using an inset
                    // clip with a one-pixel margin all around
                    var clip = _compositor.CreateInsetClip();
                    clip.LeftInset = 1.0f;
                    clip.RightInset = 1.0f;
                    clip.TopInset = 1.0f;
                    clip.BottomInset = 1.0f;
                    _currentVisual.Clip = clip;

                    _dragging = true;

                Point position = args.CurrentPoint.Position;
                _currentVisual.Offset = new Vector3((float)(position.X + _offsetBias.X),
                                                    (float)(position.Y + _offsetBias.Y),

        // VisualProperties.OnPointerReleased
        // This method is called when the user lifts their finger or stylus from the
        // screen, or lifts the mouse button.

        void OnPointerReleased(CoreWindow window, PointerEventArgs args)
            // If a visual was selected, make it transparent again when it is
            // released and restore the transform and clip
            if (_currentVisual != null)
                if (_dragging)
                    // Remove the transform from the first child
                    foreach (var child in _currentVisual.Children)
                        child.RotationAngle = 0.0f;
                        child.CenterPoint = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                    _currentVisual.Opacity = 0.8f;
                    _currentVisual.Clip = null;
                    _dragging = false;

                _currentVisual = null;

        // VisualProperties.Load
        // This method is called when a specific page is being loaded in the
        // application.  It is not used for this application.

        void IFrameworkView.Load(string unused)


        // VisualProperties.Run
        // This method is called by CoreApplication.Run() to actually run the
        // dispatcher's message pump.

        void IFrameworkView.Run()

        // VisualProperties.Uninitialize
        // This method is called during shutdown to disconnect the CoreApplicationView,
        // and CoreWindow from the IFrameworkView.

        void IFrameworkView.Uninitialize()
            _window = null;
            _view = null;

        // VisualProperties.InitNewComposition
        // This method is called by SetWindow(), where we initialize Composition after
        // the CoreWindow has been created.

        void InitNewComposition()
            // Set up Windows.UI.Composition Compositor, root ContainerVisual, and associate with
            // the CoreWindow.

            _compositor = new Compositor();

            _root = _compositor.CreateContainerVisual();

            _compositionTarget = _compositor.CreateTargetForCurrentView();
            _compositionTarget.Root = _root;

            // Create a few visuals for our window
            for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)

        // VisualProperties.CreateChildElement
        // Creates a small sub-tree to represent a visible element in our application.

        Visual CreateChildElement()
            // Each element consists of three visuals, which produce the appearance
            // of a framed rectangle
            var element = _compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
            element.Size = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);

            // Position this visual randomly within our window
            element.Offset = new Vector3((float)(_random.NextDouble() * 400), (float)(_random.NextDouble() * 400), 0.0f);

            // The outer rectangle is always white
            //Note to preview API users - SpriteVisual and Color Brush replace SolidColorVisual
            //for example instead of doing
            //var visual = _compositor.CreateSolidColorVisual() and
            //visual.Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
            //we now use the below

            var visual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            visual.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
            visual.Size = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);

            // The inner rectangle is inset from the outer by three pixels all around
            var child = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            child.Offset = new Vector3(3.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f);
            child.Size = new Vector2(94.0f, 94.0f);

            // Pick a random color for every rectangle
            byte red = (byte)(0xFF * (0.2f + (_random.NextDouble() / 0.8f)));
            byte green = (byte)(0xFF * (0.2f + (_random.NextDouble() / 0.8f)));
            byte blue = (byte)(0xFF * (0.2f + (_random.NextDouble() / 0.8f)));
            child.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, red, green, blue));

            // Make the subtree root visual partially transparent. This will cause each visual in the subtree
            // to render partially transparent, since a visual's opacity is multiplied with its parent's
            // opacity
            element.Opacity = 0.8f;

            return element;

        // CoreWindow / CoreApplicationView
        private CoreWindow _window;
        private CoreApplicationView _view;

        // Windows.UI.Composition
        private Compositor _compositor;
        private CompositionTarget _compositionTarget;
        private ContainerVisual _root;
        private ContainerVisual _currentVisual;
        private Vector2 _offsetBias;
        private bool _dragging;

        // Helpers
        private Random _random;

    public sealed class VisualPropertiesFactory : IFrameworkViewSource
        // VisualPropertiesFactory.CreateView
        // This method is called by CoreApplication to provide a new IFrameworkView for
        // a CoreWindow that is being created.

        IFrameworkView IFrameworkViewSource.CreateView()
            return new VisualProperties();

        // main

        static int Main(string[] args)
            CoreApplication.Run(new VisualPropertiesFactory());

            return 0;