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以下示例Windows PowerShell脚本使用 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 提供程序修改键盘筛选器的全局设置。

Get-Setting 函数检索键盘筛选器的全局设置的值。

在第一个脚本中, 函数 Set-DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators 修改 DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators 设置的值。

第二个脚本中, 函数 Set-ForceOffAccessibility 修改 ForceOffAccessibility 设置的值。


# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

    This script shows how to enumerate WEKF_Settings to find global settings
    that can be set on the keyboard filter.  In this specific script, the
    global setting to be set is "DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators".
.Parameter ComputerName
    Optional parameter to specify a remote computer that this script should
    manage.  If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
.Parameter On
    Switch if present that sets "DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators" to
    true.  If not present, sets the setting to false.

param (
    [Switch] $On = $False,
    [String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"};
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) {
    $CommonParams += @{"ComputerName" = $ComputerName};

function Get-Setting([String] $Name) {
        Get a WMIObject by name from WEKF_Settings
    .Parameter Name
        The name of the setting, which is the key for the WEKF_Settings class.
    $Entry = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Settings @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.Name -eq $Name

    return $Entry

function Set-DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators([Bool] $Value) {
        Set the DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators setting to true or
        Set DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators to true or false based
        on $Value
    .Parameter Value
        A Boolean value

    $Setting = Get-Setting("DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators")
    if ($Setting) {
        if ($Value) {
            $Setting.Value = "true"
        } else {
            $Setting.Value = "false"
        $Setting.Put() | Out-Null;
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unable to find DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators setting";

Set-DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators $On


# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

    This script shows how to enumerate WEKF_Settings to find global settings
    that can be set on the keyboard filter.  In this specific script, the
    global setting to be set is "ForceOffAccessibility".
.Parameter ComputerName
    Optional parameter to specify a remote computer that this script should
    manage.  If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
.Parameter Enabled
    Switch if present that sets "ForceOffAccessibility" to true.  If not
    present, sets the setting to false.

param (
    [Switch] $Enabled = $False,
    [String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"};
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) {
    $CommonParams += @{"ComputerName" = $ComputerName};

function Get-Setting([String] $Name) {
        Get a WMIObject by name from WEKF_Settings
    .Parameter Name
        The name of the setting, which is the key for the WEKF_Settings class.
    $Entry = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Settings @CommonParams |
        where {
            $_.Name -eq $Name

    return $Entry

function Set-ForceOffAccessibility([Bool] $Value) {
        Set the ForceOffAccessibility setting to true or false.
        Set ForceOffAccessibility to true or false based on $Value
    .Parameter Value
        A Boolean value

    $Setting = Get-Setting("ForceOffAccessibility")
    if ($Setting) {
        if ($Value) {
            $Setting.Value = "true"
        } else {
            $Setting.Value = "false"
        $Setting.Put() | Out-Null;
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unable to find ForceOffAccessibility setting";

Set-ForceOffAccessibility $Enabled

键盘筛选器的Windows PowerShell脚本示例

