成功磁条读取器 (MSR) 扫描事件后引发此事件。
typedef struct _MSR_DATA_RECEIVED {
MsrCardType CardType;
unsigned char Track1EncryptedDataLength;
unsigned char Track2EncryptedDataLength;
unsigned char Track3EncryptedDataLength;
unsigned char Track4EncryptedDataLength;
unsigned char Track1EncryptedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track2EncryptedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track3EncryptedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track4EncryptedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track1MaskedDataLength;
unsigned char Track2MaskedDataLength;
unsigned char Track3MaskedDataLength;
unsigned char Track4MaskedDataLength;
unsigned char Track1MaskedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track2MaskedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track3MaskedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track4MaskedData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track1DiscretionaryDataLength;
unsigned char Track2DiscretionaryDataLength;
unsigned char Track1DiscretionaryData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char Track2DiscretionaryData[MSR_TRACK_SIZE];
unsigned char CardAuthenicationDataLength; // Length of data after encryption, may include padding.
unsigned char CardAuthenticationDataAbsoluteLength; // Length of data before encryption, may be needed to strip padding on decryption.
unsigned char CardAuthenicationData[MSR_CARD_AUTHENTICATION_DATA_SIZE];
unsigned char AdditionalSecurityInformationLength;
unsigned char AdditionalSecurityInformation[MSR_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_INFORMATION_SIZE];
内存值 | 说明 |
0x00000008 | EventType = PosEventType:: MagneticStripeReaderDataReceived |
UINT32 | DataLength = sizeof (PosEventDataHeader) + sizeof (MSR_DATA_RECEIVED) |
32 位 MsrCardType | MsrCardType |
unsigned char | Track1EncryptedDataLength - 如果MsrDataEncryption_None MsrDataEncryption ,则始终为零 (0) 。 |
unsigned char | Track2EncryptedDataLength - 如果MsrDataEncryption_None MsrDataEncryption ,则始终为零 (0) 。 |
unsigned char | Track3EncryptedDataLength - 如果MsrDataEncryption_None MsrDataEncryption ,则始终为零 (0 ) 。 |
unsigned char | Track4EncryptedDataLength - 如果MsrDataEncryption_None MsrDataEncryption ,则始终为零 (0 ) 。 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track1EncryptedDataLength 字节的加密跟踪 1 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track2EncryptedDataLength 字节的加密跟踪 2 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track3EncryptedDataLength 字节的加密跟踪 3 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track4EncryptedDataLength 字节的加密跟踪 4 数据 |
unsigned char | Track1MaskedDataLength |
unsigned char | Track2MaskedDataLength |
unsigned char | Track3MaskedDataLength |
unsigned char | Track4MaskedDataLength |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track1MaskedDataLength 字节的掩码跟踪 1 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track2MaskedDataLength 字节的掩码跟踪 2 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track3MaskedDataLength 字节的掩码跟踪 3 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track4MaskedDataLength 字节的掩码跟踪 4 数据 |
unsigned char | Track1DiscretionaryDataLength - 如果 MagneticStripeReaderIsDecodeDataEnabled 为 false,则始终为零 (0) 。 |
unsigned char | Track2DiscretionaryDataLength - 如果 MagneticStripeReaderIsDecodeDataEnabled 为 false,则始终为零 (0) 。 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track1DiscretionaryDataLength 字节的任意跟踪 1 数据 |
unsigned char [MSR_TRACK_SIZE] | Track2DiscretionaryDataLength 字节的任意跟踪 2 数据 |
unsigned char | CardAuthenicationDataLength - 加密数据的长度(以字节为单位),包括填充 |
unsigned char | CardAuthenticationDataAbsoluteLength - 未加密数据的长度(以字节为单位) (解密期间可能需要条带填充) |
unsigned char[MSR_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_INFORMATION_DATA_SIZE] | CardAuthenticationDataAbsoluteLength 字节卡身份验证数据 |
unsigned char | AdditionalSecurityInformationLength |
unsigned char[MSR_ADDITIONAL_SECURITY_INFORMATION_SIZE] | AdditionalSecurityInformationLength 字节的其他安全信息 |
标头: pointofservicedriverinterface.h