
当标注检查流数据时,其 classifyFn 标注函数可以检查固定数据字段、元数据字段和传递给它的原始流数据的任意组合,以及存储在与筛选器或数据流关联的上下文中的任何相关数据。


// classifyFn callout function
    IN const FWPS_INCOMING_VALUES0  *inFixedValues,
    IN OUT VOID  *layerData,
    IN const FWPS_FILTER0  *filter,
    IN UINT64  flowContext,
    IN OUT FWPS_CLASSIFY_OUT  *classifyOut
  FWPS_STREAM_BUFFER0 *dataStream;
  UINT32 bytesRequired;
  SIZE_T bytesToPermit;
  SIZE_T bytesToBlock;

  // Get a pointer to the stream callout I/O packet
 ioPacket = (FWPS_STREAM_CALLOUT_IO_PACKET0 *)layerData;

  // Get the data fields from inFixedValues

  // Get any metadata fields from inMetaValues

  // Get the pointer to the data stream
 dataStream = ioPacket->dataStream;

  // Get any filter context data from filter->context

  // Get any flow context data from flowContext

  // Inspect the various data sources to determine
  // the action to be taken on the data

  // If more stream data is required to make a determination...
 if (...) {

    // Let the filter engine know how many more bytes are needed
 ioPacket->streamAction = FWPS_STREAM_ACTION_NEED_MORE_DATA;
 ioPacket->countBytesRequired = bytesRequired;
 ioPacket->countBytesEnforced = 0;

    // Set the action to continue to the next filter
 classifyOut->actionType = FWP_ACTION_CONTINUE;


  // If some or all of the data should be permitted...
 if (...) {

    // No stream-specific action is required
 ioPacket->streamAction = FWPS_STREAM_ACTION_NONE;

    // Let the filter engine know how many of the leading bytes
    // in the stream should be permitted
 ioPacket->countBytesRequired = 0;
 ioPacket->countBytesEnforced = bytesToPermit;

    // Set the action to permit the data
 classifyOut->actionType = FWP_ACTION_PERMIT;



  // If some or all of the data should be blocked...
 if (...) {

    // No stream-specific action is required
 ioPacket->streamAction = FWPS_STREAM_ACTION_NONE;

    // Let the filter engine know how many of the leading bytes
    // in the stream should be blocked
 ioPacket->countBytesRequired = 0;
 ioPacket->countBytesEnforced = bytesToBlock;

    // Set the action to block the data
 classifyOut->actionType = FWP_ACTION_BLOCK;



  // If the decision to permit or block should be passed
  // to the next filter in the filter engine...
 if (...) {

    // No stream-specific action is required
 ioPacket->streamAction = FWPS_STREAM_ACTION_NONE;

    // No bytes are affected by this callout
 ioPacket->countBytesRequired = 0;
 ioPacket->countBytesEnforced = 0;



filter-action.type> 中的值确定标注的 classifyFn 标注函数应在 classifyOut 参数指向的结构的 actionType 成员中返回哪些操作。 有关这些操作的详细信息,请参阅 FWPS_ACTION0 结构。

有关数据包和流数据检查的详细信息,请参阅 检查数据包和流数据