KeSetEventPageable (Windows 驱动程序 CodeQL 查询)


当 Wait 参数设置为 TRUE 时,不得在分页段中调用 KeSetEvent。 这可能会导致系统崩溃,段已分页。

有关详细信息,请参阅 KeSetEvent (wdm.h)。


调整 KeSetEvent 调用以将 FAL标准版传递给 wait 参数。


// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// driver_snippet.c

#define SET_DISPATCH 1

// Template. Not called in this test.
void top_level_call() {}

#include <wdm.h>

void KeSetEventIrql_Fail1(PRKEVENT Event);

void KeSetEventIrql_Fail2(PRKEVENT Event);

void KeSetEventIrql_Pass1(PRKEVENT Event);

void KeSetEventIrql_Pass2(PRKEVENT Event);

#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, KeSetEventIrql_Fail1)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, KeSetEventIrql_Fail2)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, KeSetEventIrql_Pass2)

void KeSetEventIrql_Fail1(PRKEVENT Event)
    // This is a paged function.  We assume a lower limit of PASSIVE_LEVEL and an upper limit of APC_LEVEL on the IRQL.

    KeSetEvent(Event, HIGH_PRIORITY, TRUE); // ERROR: Calling with wait set to TRUE in a pageable context

void KeSetEventIrql_Fail2(PRKEVENT Event)
    // This is a paged function.  Even though it runs at APC_LEVEL, not PASSIVE_LEVEL, that's still an error.

    KeSetEvent(Event, HIGH_PRIORITY, TRUE); // ERROR: Calling with wait set to TRUE in a pageable context

void KeSetEventIrql_Pass1(PRKEVENT Event)
    // This function will potentially run at passive level but it's not pageable, so there's no issue.

    KeSetEvent(Event, HIGH_PRIORITY, TRUE);

void KeSetEventIrql_Pass2(PRKEVENT Event)
    // This function will runs at passive level and is pageable, but correctly uses FALSE in its call to KeSetEvent.

    KeSetEvent(Event, HIGH_PRIORITY, FALSE);

// TODO multi-threaded tests
// function has max IRQL requirement, creates two threads where one is above that requirement and one is below


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