

remote /q Computer

## <span id="ddk_remote_server_query_command_dtools"></span><span id="DDK_REMOTE_SERVER_QUERY_COMMAND_DTOOLS"></span>Parameters

<span id="________q______"></span><span id="________Q______"></span> **/q**   
Query. Displays the visible remote sessions on the specified computer.

<span id="_______Computer______"></span><span id="_______computer______"></span><span id="_______COMPUTER______"></span> *Computer*   
Specifies the name of the computer. This parameter is required (even on the local computer).

### <span id="comments"></span><span id="COMMENTS"></span>Comments

The query display includes only server sessions; it does not display client connections to remote sessions.

The query display includes only visible sessions. There is no command to display invisible sessions.

The query display includes all visible sessions, including those that restrict users (**/u** and **/ud**). The user might not have permission to connect to all of the sessions in the list.

When there are no remote sessions running on the server, the Remote tool displays the following message:

No Remote servers running on \\Computer


No visible sessions on server \\Computer