本文提供了Azure 容器实例上机密容器常见问题的解决方案。
Deployment Failed. ErrorMessage=failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: uvm::Policy: failed to modify utility VM configuration: guest modify: guest RPC failure: error creating Rego policy: rego compilation failed: rego compilation failed: 4 errors occurred:
Deployment Failed. ErrorMessage=failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: uvm::Policy: failed to modify utility VM configuration: guest modify:guest RPC failure: error creating Rego policy: rego compilation failed: rego compilation failed: 1 error occurred: policy.rego:48 rego_parse_error: non-terminated string;
Container creation denied due to policy: create_container not allowed by policy. Errors: [invalid command].
Denied by policy: rule for mount_device is missing from policy: unknown.
Failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: failed to mount container storage: failed to add LCOW layer: failed to add SCSI layer: failed to modify UVM with new SCSI mount: guest modify: guest RPC failure: mounting scsi device controller 3 lun 2 onto /run/mounts/m4 denied by policy: mount_device not allowed by policy. Errors: [deviceHash not found].
Container creation denied due to policy: create_container not allowed by policy.
Failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: failed to mount container storage: guest modify: guest RPC failure: overlay creation denied by policy: mount_overlay not allowed by policy. Errors: [framework_svn is ahead of the current svn: 1.1.0 > 0.1.0].
base64 机密计算强制(CCE)策略无效:
The CCE Policy is not valid Base64.
限制 - CCE 策略的 120 KB(KB) 限制:
Failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: error while creating the compute system: hcs::CreateComputeSystem <compute system id>@vm: The requested operation failed.: unknown.\r\n; The container group provisioning has failed. Refer to 'DeploymentFailedReason' event for more details.;
Failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: task with id: '<task id>' cannot be created in pod: '<pod>' which is not running: failed precondition.\r\n;The container group provisioning has failed. Refer to 'DeploymentFailedReason' event for more details.
Denied by policy: rule for mount_device is missing from policy: unknown.
Failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: failed to mount container storage: failed to add LCOW layer: failed to add SCSI layer: failed to modify UVM with new SCSI mount: guest modify: guest RPC failure: mounting scsi device controller 3 lun 2 onto /run/mounts/m4 denied by policy: mount_device not allowed by policy. Errors: [deviceHash not found]
- 日志不会显示。
- exec 功能不起作用。
- 订阅部署在 30 分钟后超时。
- 具有不允许策略的实时性探测。
- 退出代码 139。
在大多数情况下,这些问题是由于 CCE 策略引起的。
如果遇到任何策略故障,请重新生成 CCE 策略,然后重试部署。
如果 CCE 策略强制实施框架,请还原到较旧的框架 svn。
如果找不到设备哈希或映像出现问题,请清除缓存并重新生成 CCE 策略。
docker rmi <image_name>:<tag>
命令。 若要清理缓存中的所有映像,请docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
运行命令。 若要检查缺失的哈希,请运行docker inspect <image_name>:<tag>
如果你有任何疑问或需要帮助,请创建支持请求或联系 Azure 社区支持。 你还可以将产品反馈提交到 Azure 反馈社区。