批量上载文档示例 SharePoint 外接程序


示例将一个文件上载到文档库。 若要上载多个文件,需要扩展此示例。

Core.BulkDocumentUploader 示例外接程序使用控制台应用程序,通过使用 REST API 调用上载文件。 配置设置在 XML 和 CSV 文件中指定。


  • 将文件上载到 SharePoint Online。
  • 迁移到 Office 365 并使用自定义迁移工具移动文件。


若要开始,请从 GitHub 上的 Office 365 开发人员模式和做法项目下载 Core.BulkDocumentUploader 示例外接程序。




  1. 使用下列信息编辑 OneDriveUploader.xml 文件:

    • 您要在其中保存您的文本和 CSV 日志文件的位置。
    • CSV 映射文件的文件路径(例如 C:\PnP\Samples\Core.BulkDocumentUploader\Input\SharePointSites.csv)。
    • 要上载的公司策略文件的位置(例如 C:\PnP\Samples\Core.BulkDocumentUploader\Input\OneDriveFiles)。
    • 您的 SharePoint Online 凭据。
    • 要执行的文档操作(上载或删除)。
    • 文件上载到文档库之后应用于文件的新文件名(例如 COMPANY POLICY DOCUMENT.xlsx)。
  2. 在 SharePointSites.csv 映射文件中,列出要将文件上载到的文档库 URL 以及要上载的公司策略文件的名称。

  3. 添加 OneDriveUploader.xml 文件的文件路径作为命令行参数。 要执行此操作,请在解决方案资源管理器中打开 Core.BulkDocumentUploader 项目属性,然后选择“属性”>“调试”。

    突出显示了“调试”的 Core.BulkDocumentUploader 属性窗格的屏幕截图。

使用 Core.BulkDocumentUploader 示例外接程序

从 Program.cs 的 Main 方法中,RecurseActions 方法在 OneDriveMapper.cs 中调用 Run 方法。 Run 方法从 SharePointSites.csv 获取要上载的文件的位置,然后调用 IterateCollection 方法。

public override void Run(BaseAction parentAction, DateTime CurrentTime, LogHelper logger)
            CsvProcessor csvProcessor = new CsvProcessor();

            logger.LogVerbose(string.Format("Attempting to read mapping CSV file '{0}'", this.UserMappingCSVFile));

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(this.UserMappingCSVFile))
                csvProcessor.Execute(reader, (entries, y) => { IterateCollection(entries, logger); }, logger);

SharePointSite.csv 文件列出要上载的文件以及要将该文件上载到的文档库。 然后 ,IterateCollection 方法执行以下操作,将文件上传到文档库:

  1. 获取要上载的文件。

  2. 确保用户有权限添加项目。

  3. 创建具有身份验证 Cookie 的 HttpWebRequest 对象、上载文档的 REST 字符串请求以及 HTTP 请求操作方法。

  4. 执行文件上载。


使用 OneDriveUploader.xml 中指定的 FileUploadName 值覆盖文件名。

public override void IterateCollection(Collection<string> entries, LogHelper logger)
            Stopwatch IterationSW = new Stopwatch();

            logger.LogVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Establishing context object to: '{0}'", entries[this.SiteIndex]));

                // Use the context of the current iteration URL for current user item.
                using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext(entries[this.SiteIndex]))
                    using (SecureString password = new SecureString())
                        foreach (char c in this.Password.ToCharArray())

                        context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(this.UserName, password);

                        // Get the file to upload from the directory.
                        FileInfo theFileToUpload = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(this.DirectoryLocation + "\\", entries[this.FileIndex] + ".xlsx"));

                        logger.LogVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Attempting to {0} file {1}", this.DocumentAction, theFileToUpload));

                        // Ensure that the account has permissions to access.
                        BasePermissions perm = new BasePermissions();

                        ConditionalScope scope = new ConditionalScope(context, () => context.Web.DoesUserHavePermissions(perm).Value);

                            Stopwatch tempSW = new Stopwatch();

                            int success = 0;

                            while(tempSW.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 20)
                                var digest = context.GetFormDigestDirect();

                                string cookie = ((SharePointOnlineCredentials)context.Credentials).GetAuthenticationCookie(new Uri(entries[this.SiteIndex])).TrimStart("SPOIDCRL=".ToCharArray());

                                using (Stream s = theFileToUpload.OpenRead())
                                    // Define REST string request to upload document to context. This string specifies the Documents folder, but you can specify another document library.
                                    string theTargetUri = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('Documents')/RootFolder/Files/add(url='{1}',overwrite='true')?", entries[this.SiteIndex], this.FileUploadName);

                                    // Define REST HTTP request object.
                                    HttpWebRequest SPORequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(theTargetUri);

                                    // Define HTTP request action method.
                                    if (this.DocumentAction == "Upload")
                                        SPORequest.Method = "POST";
                                    else if (this.DocumentAction == "Delete")
                                        SPORequest.Method = "DELETE";
                                        logger.LogVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "There was a problem with the HTTP request in DocumentAction attribute of XML file"));
                                        throw new Exception("The HTTP Request operation is not supported, please check the value of DocumentAction in the XML file");

                                    // Build out additional HTTP request details.
                                    SPORequest.Accept = "application/json;odata=verbose";
                                    SPORequest.Headers.Add("X-RequestDigest", digest.DigestValue);
                                    SPORequest.ContentLength = s.Length;
                                    SPORequest.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";

                                    // Handle authentication to context through cookie.
                                    SPORequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
                                    SPORequest.CookieContainer.Add(new Cookie("SPOIDCRL", cookie, string.Empty, new Uri(entries[this.SiteIndex]).Authority));

                                    // Perform file upload/deletion.
                                    using (Stream requestStream = SPORequest.GetRequestStream())

                                    // Get HTTP response to determine success of operation.
                                    HttpWebResponse SPOResponse = (HttpWebResponse)SPORequest.GetResponse();

                                    logger.LogVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Successfully '{0}' file {1}", this.DocumentAction, theFileToUpload));
                                    logger.LogOutcome(entries[this.SiteIndex], "SUCCCESS");

                                    success = 1;

                                    // Dispose of the HTTP response.



                            if (success != 1)
                                throw new Exception("The HTTP Request operation exceeded the timeout of 20 seconds");


            catch(Exception ex)
                logger.LogVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "There was an issue performing '{0}' on to the URL '{1}' with exception: {2}", this.DocumentAction, entries[this.SiteIndex], ex.Message));
                logger.LogOutcome(entries[this.SiteIndex], "FAILURE");
                logger.LogVerbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Completed processing URL:'{0}' in {1} seconds", entries[this.SiteIndex], IterationSW.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000));
