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Reservation Transactions - List By Billing Profile
List of transactions for reserved instances on billing profile scope. The refund transactions are posted along with its purchase transaction (i.e. in the purchase billing month). For example, The refund is requested in May 2021. This refund transaction will have event date as May 2021 but the billing month as April 2020 when the reservation purchase was made. Note: ARM has a payload size limit of 12MB, so currently callers get 400 when the response size exceeds the ARM limit. In such cases, API call should be made with smaller date ranges.
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/reservationTransactions?api-version=2024-08-01
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/reservationTransactions?$filter={$filter}&api-version=2024-08-01
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
BillingAccount ID |
path | True |
string |
Azure Billing Profile ID. |
query | True |
string |
Version of the API to be used with the client request. The current version is 2023-03-01. |
query |
string |
Filter reservation transactions by date range. The properties/EventDate for start date and end date. The filter supports 'le' and 'ge'. Note: API returns data for the entire start date's and end date's billing month. For example, filter properties/eventDate+ge+2020-01-01+AND+properties/eventDate+le+2020-12-29 will include data for entire December 2020 month (i.e. will contain records for dates December 30 and 31) |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK. The request has succeeded. |
Other Status Codes |
Error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow.
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Sample request
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/fcebaabc-fced-4284-a83d-79f83dee183c:45796ba8-988f-45ad-bea9-7b71fc6c7513_2018-09-30/billingProfiles/Z76D-SGAF-BG7-TGB/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/reservationTransactions?$filter=properties/eventDate+ge+2020-05-20+AND+properties/eventDate+le+2020-05-30&api-version=2024-08-01
Sample response
"value": [
"id": "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/fcebaabc-fced-4284-a83d-79f83dee183c:45796ba8-988f-45ad-bea9-7b71fc6c7513_2018-09-30/billingProfiles/Z76D-SGAF-BG7-TGB/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/reservationTransactions",
"name": "a838a8c3-a408-49e1-ac90-42cb95bff9b2",
"type": "Microsoft.Consumption/reservationTransactions",
"properties": {
"eventDate": "2020-04-25T21:21:38Z",
"reservationOrderId": "a838a8c3-a408-49e1-ac90-42cb95bff9b2",
"description": "Reserved VM Instance, Standard_B1ls, US East, 3 Years",
"eventType": "Purchase",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 1.44,
"currency": "USD",
"reservationOrderName": "VM_RI_03-25-2020_14-18",
"armSkuName": "Standard_B1ls",
"billingFrequency": "Recurring",
"billingProfileId": "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/fcebaabc-fced-4284-a83d-79f83dee183c:45796ba8-988f-45ad-bea9-7b71fc6c7513_2018-09-30/billingProfiles/Z76D-SGAF-BG7-TGB",
"billingProfileName": "IT Department*",
"invoice": "T000456437",
"invoiceId": "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/fcebaabc-fced-4284-a83d-79f83dee183c:45796ba8-988f-45ad-bea9-7b71fc6c7513_2018-09-30/billingProfiles/Z76D-SGAF-BG7-TGB/invoices/T000456437",
"invoiceSectionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/fcebaabc-fced-4284-a83d-79f83dee183c:45796ba8-988f-45ad-bea9-7b71fc6c7513_2018-09-30/invoiceSections/QBTB-EYAK-PJA-TGB",
"invoiceSectionName": "IT Department",
"purchasingSubscriptionGuid": "d924ad15-4a3d-4047-971d-c8b1b300a97b",
"purchasingSubscriptionName": "contoso",
"region": "eastus",
"term": "P3Y"
Name | Description |
Error |
The details of the error. |
Error |
Error response indicates that the service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message. Some Error responses:
Modern |
Modern Reservation transaction resource. |
Modern |
Result of listing reservation recommendations. |
The details of the error.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code. |
message |
string |
Error message indicating why the operation failed. |
Error response indicates that the service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message.
Some Error responses:
429 TooManyRequests - Request is throttled. Retry after waiting for the time specified in the "x-ms-ratelimit-microsoft.consumption-retry-after" header.
503 ServiceUnavailable - Service is temporarily unavailable. Retry after waiting for the time specified in the "Retry-After" header.
504 Gateway Timeout - Service timed out while processing the request. Reduce the date range in the request, if possible.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The details of the error. |
Modern Reservation transaction resource.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource Id. |
name |
string |
Resource name. |
properties.amount |
number |
The charge of the transaction. |
properties.armSkuName |
string |
This is the ARM Sku name. It can be used to join with the serviceType field in additional info in usage records. |
properties.billingFrequency |
string |
The billing frequency, which can be either one-time or recurring. |
properties.billingProfileId |
string |
Billing profile Id. |
properties.billingProfileName |
string |
Billing profile name. |
properties.currency |
string |
The ISO currency in which the transaction is charged, for example, USD. |
properties.description |
string |
The description of the transaction. |
properties.eventDate |
string |
The date of the transaction |
properties.eventType |
string |
The type of the transaction (Purchase, Cancel or Refund). |
properties.invoice |
string |
Invoice Number |
properties.invoiceId |
string |
Invoice Id as on the invoice where the specific transaction appears. |
properties.invoiceSectionId |
string |
Invoice Section Id |
properties.invoiceSectionName |
string |
Invoice Section Name. |
properties.purchasingSubscriptionGuid |
string |
The subscription guid that makes the transaction. |
properties.purchasingSubscriptionName |
string |
The subscription name that makes the transaction. |
properties.quantity |
number |
The quantity of the transaction. |
properties.region |
string |
The region of the transaction. |
properties.reservationOrderId |
string |
The reservation order ID is the identifier for a reservation purchase. Each reservation order ID represents a single purchase transaction. A reservation order contains reservations. The reservation order specifies the VM size and region for the reservations. |
properties.reservationOrderName |
string |
The name of the reservation order. |
properties.term |
string |
This is the term of the transaction. |
tags |
string[] |
Resource tags. |
type |
string |
Resource type. |
Result of listing reservation recommendations.
Name | Type | Description |
nextLink |
string |
The link (url) to the next page of results. |
value |
The list of reservation recommendations. |