快速入门:使用 Microsoft Purview 数据共享 .NET SDK 共享和接收数据
Microsoft Purview 数据目录 (经典) 和数据运行状况见解 (经典) 不再接受新客户,这些服务(以前为 Azure Purview)现在处于客户支持模式。
此功能目前正在停用,支持将持续到 2025 年 9 月,以便迁移到 Microsoft Fabric 外部数据共享。
在本快速入门中,你将使用 .NET SDK 共享数据和接收来自 Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS Gen2) 或 Blob 存储帐户的共享。 本文包含代码片段,可用于使用 Microsoft Purview 数据共享 创建、接受和管理共享。
此功能已于 2023 年 2 月更新,Microsoft Purview 中查看和管理数据共享所需的 SDK 和权限已更改。
- Microsoft Purview 现在无需任何权限即可使用 SDK 创建和管理共享。 需要 (读取者权限才能使用 Microsoft Purview 治理门户共享数据。)
- 存储帐户仍需要权限。
Microsoft Purview 先决条件
- Microsoft Purview 帐户。 还可以使用两个 Microsoft Purview 帐户,一个用于数据提供程序,另一个用于数据使用者,以测试这两种方案。
- 可用于向其发送邀请的收件人的 Azure 登录电子邮件地址。 收件人的电子邮件别名不起作用。
Azure 存储帐户先决条件
- Azure 订阅必须注册 AllowDataSharing 预览版功能。 (如果尚未注册此预览版功能,请考虑改用 Microsoft Fabric 外部数据共享,因为Microsoft Purview 数据共享将于 2025 年 9 月停用。) 或者,请联系支持人员。
- 完成注册步骤 后创建的 源和目标存储帐户。 两个存储帐户必须彼此位于同一 Azure 区域中。 这两个存储帐户都需要是 ADLS Gen2 或 Blob 存储帐户。 存储帐户可以位于与 Microsoft Purview 帐户不同的 Azure 区域。
- 最新版本的存储 SDK、PowerShell、CLI 和 Azure 存储资源管理器。 存储 REST API 版本必须为 2020 年 2 月或更高版本。
- 存储帐户需要在要发送或接收共享的集合中注册。 如果使用一个 Microsoft Purview 帐户,这可以是两个不同的集合,也可以是同一个集合。 有关注册的说明,请参阅 ADLS Gen2 或 Blob 存储 数据源页。
- 如果源或目标存储帐户与 Microsoft Purview 帐户的 Azure 订阅不同,则Microsoft。 在共享提供程序添加资产或共享使用者映射资产时,Purview 资源提供程序会自动在数据存储所在的 Azure 订阅中注册, 并且仅 当用户有权对资源提供程序执行 /register/action作时。 该权限包含在“参与者”和“所有者”角色中。
仅当首次将数据共享或接收到 Azure 订阅中的存储帐户时,才需要此注册。
Azure 存储帐户角色 | Microsoft Purview 集合角色 | |
数据提供程序 | 以下角色之一:
数据读取器 |
数据使用者 | 以下角色之一:
数据读取器 |
如果创建了 Microsoft Purview 帐户,系统会自动将所有角色分配给根集合。 请参阅 Microsoft Purview 权限 ,详细了解 Microsoft Purview 集合和角色。
Visual Studio
本文中的演练使用 Visual Studio 2022。 Visual Studio 2013、2015、2017 或 2019 的过程可能略有不同。
Azure .NET SDK
在计算机上下载并安装 Azure .NET SDK 。
在本教程的代码片段中,可以使用自己的凭据或服务主体进行身份验证。 若要设置服务主体,请按照以下说明作:
在“创建Microsoft Entra应用程序”中,创建一个表示在本教程中创建的 .NET 应用程序的应用程序。 对于登录 URL,可以提供虚拟 URL,如文章 ()
所示。在 “获取用于登录的值”中,获取 应用程序 ID、租户 ID 和 对象 ID,并记下本教程稍后使用的这些值。
在 “证书和机密”中,获取 身份验证密钥,并记下本教程稍后使用的此值。
用户 Azure 存储帐户角色 Microsoft Purview 集合角色 数据提供程序 以下角色之一: - 所有者
- Blob 存储数据所有者
Data Share参与者 数据使用者 以下角色之一: - 参与者
- 所有者
- 存储 Blob 数据参与者
- Blob 存储数据所有者
Data Share参与者
创建 Visual Studio 项目
接下来,在 Visual Studio 中创建 C# .NET 控制台应用程序:
- 启动 Visual Studio。
- 在“开始”窗口中,选择“ 新建项目>控制台应用”。 需要 .NET 6.0 或更高版本。
- 在 “项目名称”中,输入 PurviewDataSharingQuickStart。
- 选择“ 创建 ”以创建项目。
安装 NuGet 包
选择 “工具”>“NuGet 包管理器>包管理器控制台”。
在 包管理控制台中 ,运行此页上显示的 .NET cli add package 命令以添加 NuGet 包: Microsoft.Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing NuGet 包。
在 “包管理器控制台 ”窗格中,运行以下命令以安装包。
Install-Package Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing -IncludePrerelease Install-Package Azure.Identity
如果收到“找不到任何项目...”的错误尝试使用这些命令时,可能只需将项目中的文件夹级别下移。 尝试使用 命令
列出目录中的文件夹,然后使用“项目文件夹>的 cd <名称”将级别向下移动到项目文件夹。 然后重试。
此脚本创建可发送给内部或外部用户的数据共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- SenderTenantId - 发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID 。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 将从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- ShareName - 已发送共享的显示名称。
- ShareDescription - (可选) 已发送共享的说明。
- SenderStorageKind - BlobAccount 或 AdlsGen2Account。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 将从中发送数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- SenderStorageContainer - 存储要共享数据的容器的名称。
- SenderPathToShare - 要共享的数据的文件/文件夹路径。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
- SentShareID - (可选) 此选项必须是 GUID,并且当前值会为你生成一个,但你可以根据需要将其替换为其他值。
- ReceiverVisiblePath - (可选) 接收方将看到的共享的名称。 当前设置为 GUID,但不需要 GUID。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.ComponentModel;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Identity's Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Sender Purview Account Name>";
private static string ShareName = "<Share Display Name>";
private static string ShareDescription = "Share created using the SDK.";
private static string SenderStorageKind = "<Sender Storage Account Kind (BlobAccount / AdlsGen2Account)>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Sender Storage Account Resource Id>";
private static string SenderStorageContainer = "<Share Data Container Name>";
private static string SenderPathToShare = "<File/Folder Path To Share>";
// Set if using Service principal to create shares
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
// [OPTIONAL INPUTS] Override Value If Desired.
private static string SentShareId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
private static string ReceiverVisiblePath = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
/// Replace all placeholder inputs above with actual values before running this program.
/// This updated Share experience API will create Shares based on callers RBAC role on the storage account.
/// To view/manage Shares via UX in Purview Studio. Storage accounts need to be registered (one time action) in Purview account with DSA permissions.
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: CreateShare - START");
await Sender_CreateSentShare();
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: CreateShare - FINISH");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
private static async Task<BinaryData> Sender_CreateSentShare()
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
if (sentSharesClient == null)
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Invalid Sent Shares Client.");
// Create sent share
var inPlaceSentShareDto = new
shareKind = "InPlace",
properties = new
displayName = ShareName,
description = ShareDescription,
artifact = new
storeKind = SenderStorageKind,
storeReference = new
referenceName = SenderStorageResourceId,
type = "ArmResourceReference"
properties = new
paths = new[]
receiverPath = ReceiverVisiblePath,
containerName = SenderStorageContainer,
senderPath = SenderPathToShare
Operation<BinaryData> sentShare = await sentSharesClient.CreateOrReplaceSentShareAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, SentShareId, RequestContent.Create(inPlaceSentShareDto));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
return sentShare.Value;
此脚本向用户发送共享的电子邮件邀请。 如果要向服务主体发送邀请, 请参阅下一个代码示例。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- RecipientUserEmailId - Email用户向其发送邀请的地址。
- SenderTenantId - 共享发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 将从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 将从中发送数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- SentShareDisplayName - 要为其发送邀请的已发送共享的名称。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
- InvitationId - (可选) 此选项必须是 GUID,并且当前值会为你生成一个,但你可以根据需要将其替换为其他值。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string RecipientUserEmailId = "<Target User's Email Id>";
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Indentity's Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Sender Purview Account Name>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Sender Storage Account Resource Id>";
// Set if using Service principal to send invitation
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
private static string SentShareDisplayName = "<Name of share you're sending an invite for.>";
private static string InvitationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static int StepCounter = 0;
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: SendtoUser - START");
await Sender_CreateUserRecipient();
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: SendtoUser - FINISH");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
private static async Task<BinaryData> Sender_CreateUserRecipient()
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecipientUserEmailId))
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Invalid Recipient User Email Id.");
// Create user recipient and invite
var invitationData = new
invitationKind = "User",
properties = new
expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString(),
notify = true, // Send invitation email
targetEmail = RecipientUserEmailId
var allSentShares = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentSharesAsync(SenderStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1}...", ++StepCounter, "Get a Specific Sent Share");
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
var mySentShare = allSentShares.First(sentShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(sentShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == SentShareDisplayName;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("My Sent Share Id: " + JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString());
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
var SentShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
var sentInvitation = await sentSharesClient.CreateSentShareInvitationAsync(SentShareId, InvitationId, RequestContent.Create(invitationData));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
return sentInvitation.Content;
此脚本向服务主体发送共享的电子邮件邀请。 如果要向用户发送邀请, 请参阅上一示例。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- RecipientApplicationTenantId - 接收服务主体的 Azure 租户 ID。
- RecipientApplicationObjectId - 接收服务主体的对象 ID。
- SenderTenantId - 共享发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 将从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 将从中发送数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- SentShareDisplayName - 要为其发送邀请的已发送共享的名称。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
- InvitationId - (可选) 此选项必须是 GUID,并且当前值会为你生成一个,但你可以根据需要将其替换为其他值。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string RecipientApplicationTenantId = "<Target Application's Tenant Id>";
private static string RecipientApplicationObjectId = "<Target Application's Object Id>";
private static string SentShareDisplayName = "<Name of share you're sending an invite for.>";
private static string InvitationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Indentity's Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Sender Purview Account Name>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Resource ID for storage account that has been shared>";
// Set if using Service principal to send invitation
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: SendtoService - START");
await Sender_CreateServiceRecipient();
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: SendtoService - FINISH");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
private static async Task<BinaryData> Sender_CreateServiceRecipient()
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
if (!Guid.TryParse(RecipientApplicationTenantId, out Guid _))
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Invalid Recipient Service Tenant Id.");
if (!Guid.TryParse(RecipientApplicationObjectId, out Guid _))
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Invalid Recipient Service Object Id.");
// Create service recipient
var invitationData = new
invitationKind = "Service",
properties = new
expirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5).ToString(),
targetActiveDirectoryId = RecipientApplicationTenantId,
targetObjectId = RecipientApplicationObjectId
var allSentShares = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentSharesAsync(SenderStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
var mySentShare = allSentShares.First(sentShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(sentShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == SentShareDisplayName;
var SentShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
var sentInvitation = await sentSharesClient.CreateSentShareInvitationAsync(SentShareId, InvitationId, RequestContent.Create(invitationData));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
return sentInvitation.Content;
此脚本列出了特定存储资源的所有已发送共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- SenderTenantId - 共享发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 从中发送共享 的存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Name of the Microsoft Purview account>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Sender Storage Account Resource Id>";
// Set if using Service principal to list shares
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
var allSentShares = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentSharesAsync(SenderStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本列出特定共享的所有收件人。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- SenderTenantId - 共享发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- SentShareDisplayName - 要为其列出收件人的已发送共享的名称。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 将从中发送数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string SentShareDisplayName = "<Name of share you're listing recipients for.>";
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Name of the Microsoft Purview account>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Sender Storage Account Resource Id>";
// Set if using Service principal to list recipients
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
var allSentShares = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentSharesAsync(SenderStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
var mySentShare = allSentShares.First(sentShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(sentShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == SentShareDisplayName;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("My Sent Share Id: " + JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString());
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
var SentShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
var allRecipients = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentShareInvitationsAsync(SentShareId).ToResultList();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本删除收件人的共享邀请,因此删除共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- SenderTenantId - 共享发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- SentShareDisplayName - 要删除收件人的已发送共享的名称。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 将从中发送数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- RecipientUserEmailId - Email要删除的用户的地址。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string SentShareDisplayName = "<Name of share you're removing a recipient for.>";
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Name of the Microsoft Purview account>";
private static string RecipientUserEmailId = "<Target User's Email Id>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Sender Storage Account Resource Id>";
// Set if using Service principal to delete recipients
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
var allSentShares = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentSharesAsync(SenderStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
var mySentShare = allSentShares.First(sentShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(sentShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == SentShareDisplayName;
var SentShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
var allRecipients = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentShareInvitationsAsync(SentShareId).ToResultList();
var recipient = allRecipients.First(recipient =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(recipient).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.TryGetProperty("targetEmail", out JsonElement rcpt) && rcpt.ToString() == RecipientUserEmailId;
var recipientId = JsonDocument.Parse(recipient).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
await sentSharesClient.DeleteSentShareInvitationAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, SentShareId, recipientId);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("Remove Id: " + JsonDocument.Parse(recipient).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString());
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本删除已发送的共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- SenderTenantId - 共享发件人标识的 Azure 租户 ID。
- SenderPurviewAccountName - 从中发送数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- SentShareDisplayName - 要为其列出收件人的已发送共享的名称。
- SenderStorageResourceId - 将从中发送数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体创建共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- SenderClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,则这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- SenderClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体创建共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
SenderPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string SenderTenantId = "<Sender Tenant ID>";
private static string SenderPurviewAccountName = "<Name of the Microsoft Purview account>";
private static string SentShareDisplayName = "<Name of share you're removing.>";
private static string SenderStorageResourceId = "<Sender Storage Account Resource Id>";
// Set if using Service principal to delete share
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string SenderClientId = "<Sender Application (Client) Id>";
private static string SenderClientSecret = "<Sender Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string SenderPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{SenderPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string SenderShareEndPoint = $"{SenderPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
TokenCredential senderCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(SenderTenantId, SenderClientId, SenderClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = SenderTenantId });
SentSharesClient? sentSharesClient = new SentSharesClient(SenderShareEndPoint, senderCredentials);
var allSentShares = await sentSharesClient.GetAllSentSharesAsync(SenderStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
var mySentShare = allSentShares.First(sentShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(sentShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == SentShareDisplayName;
var SentShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(mySentShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
await sentSharesClient.DeleteSentShareAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, SentShareId);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("Remove Id: " + SentShareId);
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本允许你接收数据共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- ReceiverTenantId - 接收共享数据的用户/服务的 Azure 租户 ID。
- ReceiverPurviewAccountName - 接收数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- ReceiverStorageKind - BlobAccount 或 AdlsGen2Account。
- ReceiverStorageResourceId - 将接收数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- ReceiverStorageContainer - 将存储共享数据的容器的名称。
- ReceiverTargetFolderName - 共享数据的存储位置的文件夹路径。
- ReceiverTargetMountPath - 你想要用于将数据存储在文件夹中的装载路径。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体接收共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- ReceiverClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- ReceiverClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
- ReceivedShareId - (可选) 此选项必须是 GUID,并且当前值将为你生成一个,但你可以根据需要将其替换为其他值。
- ReceiverVisiblePath - (要用于已接收共享的路径的可选) 名称。
- ReceivedShareDisplayName - (可选) 接收共享的显示名称。
ReceiverPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string ReceiverTenantId = "<Receiver Indentity's Tenant ID>";
private static string ReceiverPurviewAccountName = "<Receiver Purview Account Name>";
private static string ReceiverStorageKind = "<Receiver Storage Account Kind (BlobAccount / AdlsGen2Account)>";
private static string ReceiverStorageResourceId = "<Receiver Storage Account Resource Id>";
private static string ReceiverStorageContainer = "<Container Name To Receive Data Under>";
private static string ReceiverTargetFolderName = "<Folder Name to Received Data Under>";
private static string ReceiverTargetMountPath = "<Mount Path to store Received Data Under>";
//Use if using a service principal to receive a share
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string ReceiverClientId = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Id>";
private static string ReceiverClientSecret = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Secret>";
// [OPTIONAL INPUTS] Override Values If Desired.
private static string ReceivedShareId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
private static string ReceiverVisiblePath = "ReceivedSharePath";
private static string ReceivedShareDisplayName = "ReceivedShare";
// General Configs
private static string ReceiverPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{ReceiverPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string ReceiverShareEndPoint = $"{ReceiverPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: CreateReceivedShare - START");
await Receiver_CreateReceivedShare();
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: CreateReceivedShare - FINISH");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
private static async Task<BinaryData> Receiver_CreateReceivedShare()
TokenCredential receiverCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(ReceiverTenantId, ReceiverClientId, ReceiverClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = ReceiverTenantId });
ReceivedSharesClient? receivedSharesClient = new ReceivedSharesClient(ReceiverShareEndPoint, receiverCredentials);
if (receivedSharesClient == null)
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Invalid Received Shares Client.");
var results = await receivedSharesClient.GetAllDetachedReceivedSharesAsync().ToResultList();
var detachedReceivedShare = results;
if (detachedReceivedShare == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No received shares found.");
var myReceivedShare = detachedReceivedShare.First(recShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(recShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == ReceivedShareDisplayName;
var ReceivedShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(myReceivedShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
var attachedReceivedShareData = new
shareKind = "InPlace",
properties = new
displayName = ReceivedShareDisplayName,
sink = new
storeKind = ReceiverStorageKind,
properties = new
containerName = ReceiverStorageContainer,
folder = ReceiverTargetFolderName,
mountPath = ReceiverTargetMountPath
storeReference = new
referenceName = ReceiverStorageResourceId,
type = "ArmResourceReference"
var receivedShare = await receivedSharesClient.CreateOrReplaceReceivedShareAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, ReceivedShareId, RequestContent.Create(attachedReceivedShareData));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
return receivedShare.Value;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本列出存储帐户上收到的所有共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- ReceiverTenantId - 接收共享数据的用户/服务的 Azure 租户 ID。
- ReceiverPurviewAccountName - 接收数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- ReceiverStorageResourceId - 共享数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体接收共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- ReceiverClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- ReceiverClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
ReceiverPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string ReceiverTenantId = "<Receiver Indentity's Tenant ID>";
private static string ReceiverPurviewAccountName = "<Receiver Purview Account Name>";
private static string ReceiverStorageResourceId = "<Storage Account Resource Id that is housing shares>";
//Use if using a service principal to list shares
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string ReceiverClientId = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Id>";
private static string ReceiverClientSecret = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string ReceiverPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{ReceiverPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string ReceiverShareEndPoint = $"{ReceiverPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
TokenCredential receiverCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(ReceiverTenantId, ReceiverClientId, ReceiverClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = ReceiverTenantId });
ReceivedSharesClient? receivedSharesClient = new ReceivedSharesClient(ReceiverShareEndPoint, receiverCredentials);
var allReceivedShares = await receivedSharesClient.GetAllAttachedReceivedSharesAsync(ReceiverStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本允许更新已接收共享的存储位置。 就像创建接收的共享一样,为要在其中存储数据的存储帐户添加信息。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- ReceiverTenantId - 接收共享数据的用户/服务的 Azure 租户 ID。
- ReceiverPurviewAccountName - 接收数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- ReceiverStorageKind - BlobAccount 或 AdlsGen2Account。
- ReceiverStorageResourceId - 共享数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- ReAttachStorageResourceId - 将接收数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- ReceiverStorageContainer - 将存储共享数据的容器的名称。
- ReceiverTargetFolderName - 共享数据的存储位置的文件夹路径。
- ReceiverTargetMountPath - 你想要用于将数据存储在文件夹中的装载路径。
- ReceivedShareDisplayName - 收到的共享的显示名称。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体接收共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- ReceiverClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- ReceiverClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
ReceiverPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string ReceiverTenantId = "<Receiver Indentity's Tenant ID>";
private static string ReceiverPurviewAccountName = "<Receiver Purview Account Name>";
private static string ReceiverStorageKind = "<Receiver Storage Account Kind (BlobAccount / AdlsGen2Account)>";
private static string ReceiverStorageResourceId = "<Storage Account Resource Id for the account where the share is currently attached.>";
private static string ReAttachStorageResourceId = "<Storage Account Resource Id For Reattaching Received Share>";
private static string ReceiverStorageContainer = "<Container Name To Receive Data Under>";
private static string ReceiverTargetFolderName = "<Folder Name to Received Data Under>";
private static string ReceiverTargetMountPath = "<Mount Path to Received Data Under>";
private static string ReceivedShareDisplayName = "<Display name of your received share>";
//Use if using a service principal to update the share
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string ReceiverClientId = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Id>";
private static string ReceiverClientSecret = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string ReceiverPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{ReceiverPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string ReceiverShareEndPoint = $"{ReceiverPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: UpdateReceivedShare - START");
await Receiver_UpdateReceivedShare();
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}: UpdateReceivedShare - FINISH");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
private static async Task<BinaryData> Receiver_UpdateReceivedShare()
TokenCredential receiverCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(ReceiverTenantId, ReceiverClientId, ReceiverClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = ReceiverTenantId });
ReceivedSharesClient? receivedSharesClient = new ReceivedSharesClient(ReceiverShareEndPoint, receiverCredentials);
if (receivedSharesClient == null)
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Invalid Received Shares Client.");
var attachedReceivedShareData = new
shareKind = "InPlace",
properties = new
displayName = ReceivedShareDisplayName,
sink = new
storeKind = ReceiverStorageKind,
properties = new
containerName = ReceiverStorageContainer,
folder = ReceiverTargetFolderName,
mountPath = ReceiverTargetMountPath
storeReference = new
referenceName = ReAttachStorageResourceId,
type = "ArmResourceReference"
var allReceivedShares = await receivedSharesClient.GetAllAttachedReceivedSharesAsync(ReceiverStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
var myReceivedShare = allReceivedShares.First(recShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(recShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == ReceivedShareDisplayName;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("My Received Share Id: " + JsonDocument.Parse(myReceivedShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString());
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
var ReceivedShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(myReceivedShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
var receivedShare = await receivedSharesClient.CreateOrReplaceReceivedShareAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, ReceivedShareId, RequestContent.Create(attachedReceivedShareData));
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
return receivedShare.Value;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
此脚本删除收到的共享。 若要使用它,请务必填写以下变量:
- ReceiverTenantId - 接收共享数据的用户/服务的 Azure 租户 ID。
- ReceiverPurviewAccountName - 接收数据的 Microsoft Purview 帐户的名称。
- ReceivedShareDisplayName - 收到的共享的显示名称。
- ReceiverStorageResourceId - 共享数据的 存储帐户的资源 ID 。
- UseServiceTokenCredentials - (可选) 如果要使用服务主体接收共享,请将此项设置为 true。
- ReceiverClientId - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,这是服务主体的应用程序 (客户端) ID。
- ReceiverClientSecret - (可选) 如果使用服务主体接收共享,请添加客户端机密/身份验证密钥。
ReceiverPurviewEndPoint - 如果使用 经典Microsoft purview 体验,请使用
;如果使用 新的 Microsoft Purview 体验,请使用https://api.purview-service.microsoft.com/
using Azure;
using Azure.Analytics.Purview.Sharing;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Identity;
using System.Text.Json;
public static class PurviewDataSharingQuickStart
// [REQUIRED INPUTS] Set To Actual Values.
private static string ReceiverTenantId = "<Receiver Indentity's Tenant ID>";
private static string ReceiverPurviewAccountName = "<Receiver Purview Account Name>";
private static string ReceivedShareDisplayName = "<Display name of your received share>";
private static string ReceiverStorageResourceId = "<Storage Account Resource Id for the account where the share is currently attached.>";
//Use if using a service principal to delete share.
private static bool UseServiceTokenCredentials = false;
private static string ReceiverClientId = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Id>";
private static string ReceiverClientSecret = "<Receiver Caller Application (Client) Secret>";
// General Configs
private static string ReceiverPurviewEndPoint = $"https://{ReceiverPurviewAccountName}.purview.azure.com";
private static string ReceiverShareEndPoint = $"{ReceiverPurviewEndPoint}/share";
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
TokenCredential receiverCredentials = UseServiceTokenCredentials
? new ClientSecretCredential(ReceiverTenantId, ReceiverClientId, ReceiverClientSecret)
: new DefaultAzureCredential(new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions { AuthorityHost = new Uri("https://login.windows.net"), TenantId = ReceiverTenantId });
ReceivedSharesClient? receivedSharesClient = new ReceivedSharesClient(ReceiverShareEndPoint, receiverCredentials);
var allReceivedShares = await receivedSharesClient.GetAllAttachedReceivedSharesAsync(ReceiverStorageResourceId).ToResultList();
var myReceivedShare = allReceivedShares.First(recShareDoc =>
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(recShareDoc).RootElement;
var props = doc.GetProperty("properties");
return props.GetProperty("displayName").ToString() == ReceivedShareDisplayName;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("My Received Share Id: " + JsonDocument.Parse(myReceivedShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString());
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
var ReceivedShareId = JsonDocument.Parse(myReceivedShare).RootElement.GetProperty("id").ToString();
await receivedSharesClient.DeleteReceivedShareAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, ReceivedShareId);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine("Delete Complete");
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
public static async Task<List<T>> ToResultList<T>(this AsyncPageable<T> asyncPageable)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
await foreach (T item in asyncPageable)
return list;
- 在 Microsoft Purview 门户中, 删除已发送的共享。
- 同时 删除收到的共享。
- 成功删除共享后,请在收到共享数据时删除目标存储帐户中创建Microsoft Purview 的目标容器和文件夹。