使用 PowerShell 脚本更改信息屏障模式

使用此 PowerShell 脚本更新租户中所有已连接 Teams 的组的信息屏障 (IB) 模式。 部署信息屏障后,需要更新这些组的模式。 在启用 IB 之前预配的组将分配“ 打开 ”模式。 在 开放 模式下,没有任何适用的 IB 策略。 启用 IB 后, 隐式 将成为你创建的任何新组的默认模式。 但是,现有组仍保留 “打开 ”模式配置。 运行此脚本,将这些现有组更改为 隐式 模式。

在此脚本中,你将使用 Exchange Online PowerShell 模块中的 Get-UnifiedGroup cmdlet 来更新模式。 若要详细了解如何使用 PowerShell 管理 Teams,请参阅 Teams PowerShell 概述



Microsoft建议使用权限最少的角色。 最大程度地减少具有全局管理员角色的用户数,有助于提高组织的安全性。 详细了解 Microsoft Purview 角色和权限


This script updates the information barrier mode for all Teams-connected groups in your tenant at the same time.
Use this script to update the info barrier mode from open to implicit across the groups in your tenant.

$teams = Get-UnifiedGroup -Filter {ResourceProvisioningOptions -eq "Team"} -ResultSize Unlimited

Write-Output ([string]::Format("Number of Teams = {0}", @($teams).Length))

$teamsToUpdate = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

foreach($team in $teams)
  if ($team.InformationBarrierMode -eq "Open")
    $teamsToUpdate.Add($team.ExternalDirectoryObjectId) | out-null

Write-Output ([string]::Format("Number of Teams to be backfilled = {0}", @($teamsToUpdate).Length))

$outfile = "BackfillFailedTeams.csv"

if (!(Test-Path "$outfile"))
  $newcsv = {} | Select "ExternalDirectoryObjectId", "ExceptionDetails" | Export-Csv $outfile -NoTypeInformation  
  $dateTime = Get-Date
  $newEntry = "{0},{1}" -f "New session started", $dateTime
  $newEntry | add-content $outfile

$SuccessfullyBackfilledGroup = 0

for($i = 0; $i -lt @($teamsToUpdate).Length; $i++)
  Invoke-Command { Set-UnifiedGroup $teamsToUpdate[$i] -InformationBarrierMode "Implicit" } -ErrorVariable ErrorOutput

  if ($ErrorOutput)
    # saving the errors in a csv file
    $errorBody = $ErrorOutput[0].ToString() -replace "`n"," " -replace "`r"," " -replace ",", " "
    $newEntry = "{0},{1}" -f $teamsToUpdate[$i].ToString(), '"' + $errorBody + '"'
    $newEntry | add-content $outfile

  if (($i+1) % 100 -eq 0)
    # print the number of teams backfilled after the batch of 100 updates
    Write-Output ([string]::Format("Number of Teams processed= {0}", $i+1)) 

Write-Output ([string]::Format("Backfill completed. Groups backfilled: {0}, Groups failed to backfill: {1}", $SuccessfullyBackfilledGroup, @($teamsToUpdate).Length - $SuccessfullyBackfilledGroup))

if (!($SuccessfullyBackfilledGroup -eq @($teamsToUpdate).Length))
  Write-Output ([string]::Format("Check the failed teams in BackfillFailedTeams.csv, retry to backfill the failed teams.")) 