COlePasteSpecialDialog Class


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Used for the OLE Paste Special dialog box.


class COlePasteSpecialDialog : public COleDialog  


Public Constructors

Name Description
COlePasteSpecialDialog::COlePasteSpecialDialog Constructs a COlePasteSpecialDialog object.

Public Methods

Name Description
COlePasteSpecialDialog::AddFormat Adds custom formats to the list of formats your application can paste.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::AddLinkEntry Adds a new entry to the list of supported Clipboard formats.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::AddStandardFormats Adds CF_BITMAP, CF_DIB, CF_METAFILEPICT, and optionally CF_LINKSOURCE to the list of formats your application can paste.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::CreateItem Creates the item in the container document using the specified format.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::DoModal Displays the OLE Paste Special dialog box.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::GetDrawAspect Tells whether to draw item as an icon or not.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::GetIconicMetafile Gets a handle to the metafile associated with the iconic form of this item.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::GetPasteIndex Gets the index of available paste options that was chosen by the user.
COlePasteSpecialDialog::GetSelectionType Gets the type of selection chosen.

Public Data Members

Name Description
COlePasteSpecialDialog::m_ps A structure of type OLEUIPASTESPECIAL that controls the function of the dialog box.


Create an object of class COlePasteSpecialDialog when you want to call this dialog box. After a COlePasteSpecialDialog object has been constructed, you can use the AddFormat and AddStandardFormats member functions to add Clipboard formats to the dialog box. You can also use the m_ps structure to initialize the values or states of controls in the dialog box. The m_ps structure is of type OLEUIPASTESPECIAL.

For more information, see the OLEUIPASTESPECIAL structure in the Windows SDK.

For more information regarding OLE-specific dialog boxes, see the article Dialog Boxes in OLE.

Inheritance Hierarchy









Header: afxodlgs.h


Call this function to add new formats to the list of formats your application can support in a Paste Special operation.

void AddFormat(
    const FORMATETC& formatEtc,  
    LPTSTR lpszFormat,  
    LPTSTR lpszResult,  
    DWORD flags);

void AddFormat(
    UINT cf,  
    DWORD tymed,  
    UINT nFormatID,  
    BOOL bEnableIcon,  
    BOOL bLink);


Reference to the data type to add.

String that describes the format to the user.

String that describes the result if this format is chosen in the dialog box.

The different linking and embedding options available for this format. This flag is a bitwise combination of one or more of the different values in the OLEUIPASTEFLAG enumerated type.

The clipboard format to add.

The types of media available in this format. This is a bitwise combination of one or more of the values in the TYMED enumerated type.

The ID of the string that identifies this format. The format of this string is two separate strings separated by a '\n' character. The first string is the same that would be passed in the lpstrFormat parameter, and the second is the same as the lpstrResult parameter.

Flag that determines whether the Display As Icon check box is enabled when this format is chosen in the list box.

Flag that determines whether the Paste Link radio button is enabled when this format is chosen in the list box.


This function can be called to add either standard formats such as CF_TEXT or CF_TIFF or custom formats that your application has registered with the system. For more information about pasting data objects into your application, see the article Data Objects and Data Sources: Manipulation.

For more information, see the TYMED enumeration type and the FORMATETC structure in the Windows SDK.

For more information, see the OLEUIPASTEFLAG enumerated type in the Windows SDK.


Adds a new entry to the list of supported Clipboard formats.



The clipboard format to add.

Return Value

An OLEUIPASTEFLAG structure containing the information for the new link entry.


Call this function to add the following Clipboard formats to the list of formats your application can support in a Paste Special operation:

void AddStandardFormats(BOOL bEnableLink = TRUE);


Flag that determines whether to add CF_LINKSOURCE to the list of formats your application can paste.



  • CF_DIB


  • "Embedded Object"

  • (optionally) "Link Source"

These formats are used to support embedding and linking.


Constructs a COlePasteSpecialDialog object.

    COleDataObject* pDataObject = NULL,  
    CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);


Creation flag, contains any number of the following flags combined using the bitwise-OR operator:

  • PSF_SELECTPASTE Specifies that the Paste radio button will be checked initially when the dialog box is called. Cannot be used in combination with PSF_SELECTPASTELINK. This is the default.

  • PSF_SELECTPASTELINK Specifies that the Paste Link radio button will be checked initially when the dialog box is called. Cannot be used in combination with PSF_SELECTPASTE.

  • PSF_CHECKDISPLAYASICON Specifies that the Display As Icon check box will be checked initially when the dialog box is called.

  • PSF_SHOWHELP Specifies that the Help button will be displayed when the dialog box is called.

Points to the COleDataObject for pasting. If this value is NULL, it gets the COleDataObject from the Clipboard.

Points to the parent or owner window object (of type CWnd) to which the dialog object belongs. If it is NULL, the parent window of the dialog box is set to the main application window.


This function only constructs a COlePasteSpecialDialog object. To display the dialog box, call the DoModal function.

For more information, see the OLEUIPASTEFLAG enumerated type in the Windows SDK.


Creates the new item that was chosen in the Paste Special dialog box.

BOOL CreateItem(COleClientItem* pNewItem);


Points to a COleClientItem instance. Cannot be NULL.

Return Value

Nonzero if the item was created successfully; otherwise 0.


This function should only be called after DoModal returns IDOK.


Displays the OLE Paste Special dialog box.

virtual INT_PTR DoModal();

Return Value

Completion status for the dialog box. One of the following values:

  • IDOK if the dialog box was successfully displayed.

  • IDCANCEL if the user canceled the dialog box.

  • IDABORT if an error occurred. If IDABORT is returned, call the COleDialog::GetLastError member function to get more information about the type of error that occurred. For a listing of possible errors, see the OleUIPasteSpecial function in the Windows SDK.


If you want to initialize the various dialog box controls by setting members of the m_ps structure, you should do this before calling DoModal, but after the dialog object is constructed.

If DoModal returns IDOK, you can call other member functions to retrieve the settings or information input by the user into the dialog box.


Determines if the user chose to display the selected item as an icon.

DVASPECT GetDrawAspect() const;  

Return Value

The method needed to render the object.

  • DVASPECT_CONTENT Returned if the Display As Icon check box was not checked when the dialog box was dismissed.

  • DVASPECT_ICON Returned if the Display As Icon check box was checked when the dialog box was dismissed.


Only call this function after DoModal returns IDOK.

For more information on drawing aspect, see the FORMATETC structure in the Windows SDK.


Gets the metafile associated with the item selected by the user.

HGLOBAL GetIconicMetafile() const;  

Return Value

The handle to the metafile containing the iconic aspect of the selected item, if the Display As Icon check box was selected when the dialog box was dismissed by choosing OK; otherwise NULL.


Gets the index value associated with the entry the user selected.

int GetPasteIndex() const;  

Return Value

The index into the array of OLEUIPASTEENTRY structures that was selected by the user. The format that corresponds to the selected index should be used when performing the paste operation.


For more information, see the OLEUIPASTEENTRY structure in the Windows SDK.


Determines the type of selection the user made.

UINT GetSelectionType() const;  

Return Value

Returns type of selection made.


The return type values are specified by the Selection enumeration type declared in the COlePasteSpecialDialog class.

enum Selection







Brief desccriptions of these values follow:

  • COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteLink The Paste Link radio button was checked and the chosen format was a standard OLE format.

  • COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteNormal The Paste radio button was checked and the chosen format was a standard OLE format.

  • COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteOther The selected format is not a standard OLE format.

  • COlePasteSpecialDialog::pasteStatic The chosen format was a metafile.


Structure of type OLEUIPASTESPECIAL used to control the behavior of the Paste Special dialog box.



Members of this structure can be modified directly or through member functions.

For more information, see the OLEUIPASTESPECIAL structure in the Windows SDK.

See Also

COleDialog Class
Hierarchy Chart
COleDialog Class