NetworkSession.JoinInvited Method
Joins an existing network session in response to an InviteAccepted notification event.
Overload List
Name | Description |
NetworkSession.JoinInvited (Generic IEnumerable) | Joins an existing network session in response to an InviteAccepted notification event. |
NetworkSession.JoinInvited (Int32) | Joins an existing network session in response to an InviteAccepted notification event. |
Exception type | Condition |
NetworkSessionJoinException | The session either is full, is not joinable, or cannot be found.
This method blocks until the operation has completed. For an asynchronous version of this method, see BeginJoinInvited.
When someone accepts an invitation for Xbox LIVE Community Games, but the game is not installed already on his or her computer, the invited player will be taken to the game offer. The offer enables the invited player to download the game and accept the invitation to start the game.
For creator games still waiting to pass peer review, the game invitation will be sent over the Xbox LIVE service to the other player. If the game is not installed the invited player will be prompted with a message indicating that he or she can get the game from the game creator.
See Also
Guide.ShowGameInvite Method
NetworkSession.InviteAccepted Event
NetworkSession.BeginJoinInvited Method
NetworkSession.EndJoinInvited Method
NetworkSession Class
NetworkSession Members
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net Namespace