How to Install and Configure the MED-V Server Component

This section explains how to install and configure the MED-V server.

How to Install the MED-V Server

To install the MED-V server

  1. Install the MED-V Server .msi package.

    The MED-V Server .msi package is called MED-V_Server_x.msi, where x is the version number.

    For example, MED-V_Server_1.0.65.msi.

  2. When the InstallShield Wizard Welcome screen appears, click Next.

  3. On the License Agreement screen, read the license agreement, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.

    The Destination Folder screen appears, with the default installation folder displayed.

    The default installation folder is %systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization\.

    • To change the folder where MED-V should be installed, click Change and browse to an existing folder.
  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.

    The MED-V server installation starts. This can take several minutes, and the screen might not display text. During installation, several progress screens appear. If a message appears, follow the instructions provided.

  6. When the InstallShield Wizard Completed screen appears, click Finish to complete the wizard.

Note If you are installing the MED-V server via Microsoft Remote Desktop, use the following syntax: mstsc/admin. Ensure that your RDP session is directed to the console.

How to Configure the MED-V Server

The following server settings can be configured:

Configuring Connections

To configure connections

  1. On the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > MED-V > MED-V Server Configuration Manager.

    Note Note: If you selected the Launch MED-V Server Configuration Manager check box during the server installation, the MED-V server configuration manager starts automatically after the server installation is complete.

The MED-V Server Configuration Manager appears.

  1. On the Connections tab, configure the following client connections settings:

    • Enable unencrypted connections (http), using port—Select this check box to enable unencrypted connections using a specified port. In the port box, enter the server port on which to accept unencrypted connections (http).

    • Enable encrypted connections (https), using port—Select this check box to enable encrypted connections using a specified port. In the port box, enter the server port on which to accept encrypted connections (https).

      Https is an optional configuration which can be set to ensure secure transactions between the MED-V server and MED-V clients. To configure https, you must perform the following procedures:

  2. Click OK.

Configuring Images

To configure images

  1. Click the Images tab.

  2. Configure the following image management settings:

    • VMs Directory—The virtual machine directory (the directory where the images are stored). This field contains a UNC path to the image directory on the image distribution server that should be accessible from the MED-V server.

    • VMs URL—The location of the server where the images are stored.

  3. Click OK.

Configuring Permissions

To configure permissions

  1. Click the Permissions tab.

  2. A list of all users who can log in is provided. To apply read and write permissions to a user, select the check box next to the user. To apply read-only permissions to a user, clear the check box.

  3. To add domain users or groups, click Add.

    The Enter User or Group names dialog box appears.

    1. Select domain users or groups by doing one of the following:

      • In the Enter User or Group names field, type a user or group that exists in the domain or exists as a local user or group on the computer. Then click Check Names to resolve it to the full existent name.

      • Click Find to open the standard Select Users or Groups dialog box. Then select domain users or groups.

    2. Click OK.

  4. To remove domain users or groups, select a user or group and click Remove.

  5. Click OK.

Configuring Reports

To configure reports

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  2. To support reports, select Enable reports.

  3. In the Connection String box, enter a connection string for the MSSQL database.

    • When SQL Server is installed on a remote server, use the following connection string:

      Data Source=<ServerName>;Initial Catalog=<DBName>;uid=sa;pwd=<Password>;

      Note Note: To connect to SQL Express, use: Data Source=<ServerName>\sqlexpress.

  4. To create the database, click Create Database.

  5. To test the connection, click Test Connection.

  6. To configure database clearing options, click Clear Options.

    The Clear Database Options dialog box appears.

    1. Choose one of the following options:

      • Clear data older than—Clear all data older than the number of days specified; in the number box, enter a number of days.

      • Clear all data from database—Clear all existent data in the database.

      • Drop database—Delete the database.

    2. Click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box.

  7. Click OK to save the changes, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.

  8. If prompted, restart the MED-V server service to apply changes to the network settings.

Supported Configurations

Design the MED-V Server Infrastructure