Parse Items Tab

The Parse Items tab displays the mapping rules that the Sequencer uses to accommodate differences that exist between configurations on the sequencing computer and the App-V Desktop Client. This tab contains the following elements.

UI Elements List

Parse From Displays read-only variable names evaluated by the Application Virtualization Sequencer to determine important operating system locations on the sequencing computer.

Parse To Displays read-only variable names that the Application Virtualization Sequencer substitutes when encountering variable names in the associated Parse From column, while parsing items in the virtual file system or virtual registry.

Map Type Displays read-only mapping rules that the Application Virtualization Sequencer applies to parse items in the virtual file system or virtual registry. One of the following values can occur:

OK Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Cancel Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Apply Saves the changes and remains in the dialog box.

Application Virtualization Sequencer Options Dialog Box